Finn, posing for a portrait, September 2019. Photo by Bruce Walker

Fond Farewell to Finn

We Miss You Little Buddy


Back in 2008, after we had to part with our long time dog friend, Moka, we were not feeling very receptive to another dog. However, early in 2009, due to ongoing serious health issues in one our neighbours families, we ended up fostering two of their dogs. Finn and Tessa.

Finn and Tessa — Summer 2009. Photo by Bruce Walker

Finn was a lovely little guy. He had been adopted after he was found wandering around alone on a cold, cold night.

He was a bit anxious. One of his favorite activities when in the house was to run around the dining room table. Running around the table seemed to help him relieve stress. Other than that, Finn was no trouble at all. He was quiet, he was pleasant and he was extremely cute.

When out for walks, he showed no stress. Always very bright and perky, Finn loved nothing better than to chase madly after a frisbee, or just to gallop happily around with Tessa. (Admittedly Tessa was on the tubby side at the time, so Finn did more galloping than she did.)

On the left, Finn having a big gallop. On the right, Finn and Tessa enjoying a drink in the dog park. Photos by Bruce Walker

They were both really good in the car. We had a habit of putting doggy seat restraints on them for safety, and once in the car, after a bit of initial “get-off-my-tail” and “stop-crowding-me” discussions, and shifting about, they would settle into the back seat and wait expectantly for us to arrive at either the lakeside park we liked to take them or to the off-leash doggy park in the same area.

Far left — Finn and Tessa and Louise. Photo by Bruce Walker. Center and right, Finn and Bruce and Tessa. Photos by Louise Peacock. Taken at Lakeside Park in Mississauga.

At home Finn and Tessa got on just fine, and they were also great with our then cat, Jezabel, with only the occasional corrective swat from her.

Jezabel enjoying a sunny window, Summer 2009. Photo by Louise Peacock

After those few months, Tessa had pretty much decided she was going to stay with us permanently.

Tessa showing love and apreciation. Photo by Bruce Walker

Finn, however returned to his owner who was going to live out in the country.

Finn, Summer 2009. Photo by Bruce Walker

Between 2009 and 2019, we would see Finn from time to time, especially after he moved back to the ‘hood. In August 2019 we were again asked to take care of him for a couple of months.

It was great to have Finn around again. An older and much slowed down Finn, but still the sweet, friendly little dog we had known from before.

It was great to again go out for walks with Finn.

Bruce and Finn on a walk through the ‘hood. Photo by Louise Peacock
Revisiting a park we were in with Finn back in 2009, Photo by Louise Peacock
Another park reprise. Same people, same dog, 10 years later. Photo by Bruce Walker

It was nice to have Finn around the house again, and to play with him.

Finn does a playbow. Photo by Louise Peacock

It was cool to have Finn sit with us and watch our weekend movies!

Finn settles in for a movie. Photo by Louise Peacock

It was great to have the opportunity to take some portraits of Finn with proper lighting and a backdrop.

Finn, the model. Photo by Bruce Walker

We were really happy to be able to spend some quality time with Finn, who by the way, was perfectly comfortable with our cats, especially Gandalf.

Treat time fo Gandalf and Finn, both being the perfect little models. Photos by Bruce Walker

All too soon, it was time for him to go home. We said goodbye to Finn for what would be (unbeknownst to us) the last time in Fall of 2019.

Sadly, Finn was struck with an aggressive brain tumour and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on April 12, 2021.

Finn, at Lakeside Park, 2009. Photo by Bruce Walker

R.I.P. Finn, you were very special to us., and we will not forget you.



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.