Bella, the Graviton Dog. Photo by Steve O.

Graviton Dog

It's Your Density

Steve Ogg
Published in
1 min readJan 14, 2022


Late last night, when we were all in bed, I found out that our Bella is actually "Graviton Dog", the dog who can triple her weight at will. Try as I might, I could not budge her as she lay there partially in my spot on the bed. I tugged and pulled on the blanket, then tugged again, to no avail. That is when I discovered the dog's Super Power that my wife alluded to in the past. Graviton Dog, It's Your Density! I tried to coax her, to cajole this dog into moving over just a little bit, but was thwarted by Graviton Dog. Finally, after much deliberation, she relented and moved ever so slightly, toward the middle of the bed. I immediately took back my tiny space, but there she was again, nuzzling in, as if to declare "I'm Back, And I Won't Be Forgotten". And so now that I have given up the ghost of a chance of sleeping, I greet my cuddly dog with a "Good morning, I hope you slept well!". She looked back at me with a smile. The End.



Steve Ogg
Writer for

I love living in North Carolina, and sometimes I encounter something that inspires me to put it in writing.