Harriett & Humphrey

a. a. gallagher
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2021


When Would-Be Robbers Visited!

Image by the author — “Harriett” Our Little Guard Dog!

This happened on a dark and wintery night a couple of years ago. Well, it was about 4.30 am to be more precise.

I had woken up with a start because I had smelled cigarette smoke and we don’t smoke!

Humphrey, our gorgeous nearly 16-year-old black labrador was asleep in his kennel in the courtyard just outside our bedroom door. And Harriett, our little Jack Russel/Miniature Fox Terrier cross, was asleep on the end of our bed. Well, to cut a long story short I turned on the courtyard light and let Harriett out and as I did so I heard a noise but ignored it as I felt that there was nothing to be concerned about.

She shot out and seemed to take forever returning from carrying out her ablutions. I called and called but the little brat just ignored me. I was not worried as I knew she couldn’t get through the big, old heavy wooden garden gate and out of our courtyard.

There was barking in the distance but again I was unworried as I knew it couldn’t possibly be her or dear Humphrey, who was old and deaf, and apart from one extremely loud Woof, hadn’t bothered to venture out of his kennel.



a. a. gallagher

Thank you for reading & following. I love a jolly good story: I write short stories, enviro. poetry, and kids’ rhymes. Prev. Education includes a. Dip. S.R.M.