Hearing Dogs Give Deaf People a New Lease of Life!

These pups are trained in military-style obedience

Susie Kearley MBA 🐹 Guinea pig slave


© Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People is a charity in Buckinghamshire England, that trains dogs to help deaf people live happy and fulfilling lives.

I booked myself onto the charity’s weekly guided tour, a little unsure of what to expect, and was pleasantly surprised to see just how much the dogs transform their owners’ lives.

Seeing the ‘hearing dogs’ in action and meeting the beneficiaries, opened my eyes to the many ways in which a hearing dog improves the life of its owner.

Consider what happens when you lose your hearing

Whether sudden or gradual, the effect on your life, confidence and relationships can be devastating. People often withdraw from society and become increasingly isolated. Loneliness can become an issue and outside the home, people are not always very helpful because they don’t understand that you cannot hear.

A dog trained to alert you to a range of noises can bring back ‘a sense of hearing’ and get you out meeting people with really positive results. The dog provides visibility to an invisible disability. When people see a hearing dog by your side they try harder to communicate and are more helpful. It…



Susie Kearley MBA 🐹 Guinea pig slave

Freelance journalist UK. Published in BBC Countryfile, The Mirror, Britain mag etc. Covers writing, health, psychology, memoir, current affairs, & environment.