Love Letter To My Dog ❤

Felicity Love ❤
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2021


Source: Image by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Okay, one thing you must know about me, is that I am totally gaga over my dog! :)

In all my life, I have never, ever known a love as beautiful as the one I am experiencing with my dog, and I know many of you will relate to this. In my eyes, he is just the cutest, sweetest, and softest little fur ball you can imagine. He makes me laugh and smile every single day of my life and makes me feel like I matter.

Source: Image by Amal Santhosh from Pexels

His presence reminds me that all that really matters in life is love, and dogs are shining examples of what unconditional love truly is. How fortunate are we to have such breathtakingly beautiful little beings to show us what this whole life experience is all about.

Source: Image by Turgay Yıldız from Pexels

The love I feel for my dog is so overwhelming at times, I don’t even know what to do with myself! — Lol.

He has helped me through some of the most challenging times in my life and shown me so much affection over the years… What a beautiful gift that is.



Felicity Love ❤

Soulful & Heart-Centered… Me in a Nutshell! Writing to Share, Connect, and Inspire! ❤