Now, What About a Pet Beaver?

Ryan Chilton
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2023


a household pet beaver
Ryan Chilton

Have you ever thought of having a pet beaver? If yes, then you are in for a treat! Beavers are one of the most interesting animals to keep as a pet. They are friendly, intelligent and very active. Not only that, but they can also help with household chores like building dams and collecting firewood! Having a beaver as your pet can be an incredibly rewarding experience. They can provide companionship, entertainment and even help out with tasks around the house. Plus, they make great conversation starters when visitors come over. So, if you’re looking for an interesting pet to add to your family, consider getting a beaver today!

Of course, having a pet beaver has their drawbacks. The dam building is a drawback, cutting their teeth on your furniture is another. More than anything, though, the beavers are a quality pet. and definitely worth getting. Another is Babies Obviously; babies are not a good option for anyone who isn’t looking forward to raising a human child. That being said, beavers are great choices for people who want to raise a baby that’s filled with personality and character — beavers can provide that for you!



Ryan Chilton

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