
And In Our Ceiling!

a. a. gallagher


Unsplash — Australian Possum — Photo by David Clode

Over the last few years, we seem to have had an influx of possums invading our bedroom ceiling. And so after weathering the storm of many beasties letting us know one way or another of their intentions to take shelter right above our heads we are well and truly over it!

These creatures are protected by the government so that means that we are prohibited from taking any eliminatory and severe steps. In fact, the reality is that we can only remove them to a spot within a couple of kilometers of where they were captured. And of course, the little buggers just return to our house within record time to take up their temporarily vacated lodgings. Ridiculous rules!

Our possum problem started a number of years ago when we first moved into our little cottage in the country. In the dining room, we have a pot-bellied stove with a glass door. Well, to make a long story short our beautiful black Labrador, Humphrey was really fascinated by the fireplace glass door. He kept staring and staring through the door. In the end, I took a closer look, and there to my horror was a mother possum with a baby perched on her back lodged in the fireplace, staring right back at me. What to do?

I rang WIRES, our fearless wildlife rangers who came and removed them but, they said if there was a next time we would have to deal with the problem…



a. a. gallagher

Thank you for reading & following. I love a jolly good story: I write short stories, enviro. poetry, and kids’ rhymes. Prev. Education includes a. Dip. S.R.M.