There is an American Goldfinch in the Catmint. Photo by Louise Peacock

Spot the Birdie!

Louise Peacock
Published in
Jun 23, 2019


I was getting ready to leave for work on Friday, when I noticed a fluttering out of the corner of my eye. I scanned along the driveway in search of the author, and lo and behold, a pair of American Goldfinch were flitting about, feeding on the Catmint plants.

“Well”, I thought craftily, “I have the camera in the car, maybe I can sneak a shot”.

When I focussed on the area I had seen the birds, I could see nothing but the Catmint edging through the lens. I knew they were still there, so I zoomed in. If you own a simple point and shoot you will know how hard it is to see properly when you zoom. It bounces around.

“To Hell with it” I thought. I took several shots before the birds noticed me and took off.

These are the results

The Catmint border is their fave. Photo by Louise Peacock
Zoomed in. Photo by Louise Peacock
Can you spot him? Photo by Louise Peacock
there he is! I had to zoom in really tight before I could spot him. Photo by Louise Peacock



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.