Take a Proactive Approach to Your Pet Health

5 Signs you should never ignore in your pet

Fatima Haider
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


Photo by FLOUFFY on Unsplash

As a pet owner who wants their furry friends happy, active, and energetic, spending time with them is always pleasant and rewarding. And to not miss these sweet perks, I hope you do enough to keep them healthy.

But what if you want to be more on top of that? Watch out for these signs in your pets you should always pay attention to, and consult a vet immediately.

1. Abnormal Breathing Patterns

Huffing after a heavy walk on a hot day can be normal for your cutie. But it won’t be normal if it happens for no reason.

Panting that intensifies with time, especially in your pet’s inactive state, is alarming. Difficulty breathing is a clear sign that your fur friend is facing an internal issue that he can’t tell.

That can be a heart attack or lung or chest pain. Taking him to the nearest vet for an early diagnosis is always advisable so that you can enjoy the company of your cute pet for longer.

2. Change in Eating and Drinking Routine

If your pet is missing one meal, that’s okay.

Nothing to worry about as you do the same sometimes, but if this behavior lasts for over 3 days, there’s something fishy. The reason can be as simple as stomach infection, to the worst one, stomach cancer. Stop being a doctor on your own and visit your vet ASAP.

Another change to watch is drinking excessive water, especially for no reason. Excess water intake after exercise is natural for pets.

But what if your pet is drinking more than usual? Is there anything to worry about? Maybe your pet behaves like this because of certain medication or, worst case, kidney failure or Diabetics Mellitus.

3. Frequent Hiding

Relaxing behind the couch or hiding in the kitchen cabinet can be a favorite hobby for your pet, but it shouldn’t be more often.

As if it can be a clear signboard leading your pet to the hospital because pets, especially cats, often get into their hiding spots when they are in pain.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

4. Change in Behaviour

No one knows your pet better than you, as you’re the only one who spends hours with them and knows their personalities and quirks.

Therefore, sudden mood changes, like refusing to play, not asking for a walk, anxiety, or hypertension, may seem irritating to you. But before you blame them for their behavior, watch out for other reasons like:

  • Heart disease
  • Allergy injuries
  • Pancreatitis
  • Osteoarthritis

5. Change in Odor

Some pet owners have the misconception that pets usually have an odor, but that’s not the case for every pet.

Yes, some pets have a distinct smell. But it shouldn’t be worst or more intense with time. If this happens, maybe he’s facing an issue like:

  • Skin infection
  • Ear infection
  • Dental disease
  • Diabetics Miletus

Remember, a visit to the doctor is important to figure out the real culprit.

Wrapping Up

Other reasons that you shouldn’t ignore are vomiting, fever, diarrhea, lethargy or fatigue for no reason, excess increase or decrease in weight, and continuous coughing.

Stay alert if you face any of these signs, as early diagnosis is best to save your pet from the worst case. Also, never miss regular checkups with your vet to keep your pets healthy and happy.



Fatima Haider

An Avid and dedicated freelance writer with 2 years of experience in different niches. Aspiring Copywriter. Open for work.