What My Dog Taught Me About Life

My dog passed away on August 18th, 2021 but I still think about her every day.

Jacob Johnson
5 min readMar 26, 2023


Personal Picture of Ruby smiling at me

On August 18th, 2021 I had to let go of my best friend. Some people find euthanasia to be immoral and cruel, but in my dog's instance, this was the only way to keep her from pain. You see, my dog had a cancerous tumor on her leg that had swollen up to the size of a grapefruit. My family and I begged the veterinarian to ask if there was any treatment for such a disease. The vet replied that euthanasia might be the least cruel thing we can do to make her transition more accessible to the afterlife.

But up until that point my dog, Ruby, was a fun and loving puggle. She was always excited to meet new people and there was no one that was a stranger to her. I can still remember her zipping around the backyard on a cool autumn night or when I would lay on the floor and let her lick me. She was my best friend since I was eight years old, but she was also a teacher. She taught me some incredible things about life that I would like to share with you.

Always Be Happy

There was never a time that Ruby was not happy. She would always greet you with the biggest smile and wet lick. When I was having a hard day at school or work, I always thought about how my dog was at home and how she could bring a smile to my face. Often times I would get home and sit on the floor just to rub her. Rubbing her coarse hair was relaxing to me and made me happy every time I felt it.

She taught me from an early age to always be happy. Always approach life with a smile even when the world seems to be stacked against you. That was my dog's philosophy and one I am trying every day to live up to.

Ruby and me the first week she was part of the family in 2006

Be Patient

Ruby loved to catch moles in our backyard. She was a half beagle and half pug, it was in her blood. One spring afternoon I watched her dig three holes in our backyard. Not very deep holes, but enough to catch a mole if one decided to climb out. She waited patiently, and for about half an hour nothing happened. But she sat at the edge of those holes the entire time. Finally, at the half-hour mark a mole dugs itself into one of her holes. Even though she was hyper, she was also a very patient dog.

Watching her act this way taught me a valuable lesson. Be patient and what you are aiming for will come. Currently, I want to run my own business and even though I am far from buying my dream house, I must be patient because good things come in time.

Enjoy Each Day

Ruby lived her days like each one was her last day. She was never upset or angry at anyone, instead, she was happy and enjoying each day. Even as she grew old and her body began to deteriorate she continued to treat each day like a treat. It wasn’t surprising to see Ruby get up from her comfy bed to get a good rub from my mom or greet us each time we opened the front door.

Through her, I was able to learn to treat each day like a gift and truly enjoy each day. Live your life like today may be your last day because it may just be. Even on her very last day on earth, she continued to show this type of living. We had sprawled blankets all over the floor to give her options where she wanted to lay, but even then, with the tumor swelling up, she still chose to be near her family. Her tail wagged as if there were nothing wrong. It breaks my heart, but she taught us all that day to enjoy each day.

Learn From Your Mistakes

It’s easy to feel bad for yourself or put yourself down when someone wrongs you. When my dog was younger she would get herself into trouble or do something that was frowned upon. My dad would have to scold Ruby or tell her “No” with his finger pointed at where she had done the mischievous deed. This would cause her curled-up tail to tuck under her legs like she knew she had messed up. But, just as quick as her tail went down, her tail would spring back to life just moments later and she would be all over us with her big smile and her wet tongue. She didn’t hold onto any reprimands made by any of us, instead, she would learn and continued to love us.

It’s easy to feel bad for ourselves but even harder to learn from our mistakes. But for Ruby it was easy. She would learn from her mistake and be back to loving us within seconds. I have to admit whenever a get scolded or told I did something wrong I often put myself into a rut. The best thing I can do is to learn and stay out of that rut just as Ruby did.

Ruby laying next to me on the floor

Love Endlessly

One of the greatest qualities that I miss about Ruby is the unconditional love she had for her family. She never stopped loving us or showing us how much she loved us. In her eyes, we were the most perfect family to have and even though we had our own flaws, she loved us unconditionally.

I strive to have that type of love and to be able to love everyone. But Ruby made that look so easy even though each day I have to work harder to show this type of love. Ruby truly was an example of love that we can all strive for.


Ruby was an amazing dog to grow up with. She showed us so much happiness, forgiveness, and love that made her so special to me and my family. Even though she has been gone for almost two years I still think about her almost every day. I try to follow the example she set while she was here and bring the best version of myself. She was a truly special dog, she was a family member and my best friend. Thank you Ruby for teaching me a valuable lesson about life.

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