When “Cesar” met “Dino”.

a. a. gallagher
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2021


Not really suitable for a young child to read!

Unsplash — David Vives — Maybe a Dino Look-a-like!

This tale of woe was told to me by my good friend Esther, and I am telling you as indeed she told me!

It was a Saturday and Esther, her sons and her dog were at home in Canberra enjoying a cold, chilly Winter’s day .

It was mid- afternoon when a friend rang to ask if she pop around for a visit. She also asked if Esther would mind if she brought her dear little dog, Dino, with her.

Now Dino was a Chihuahua, just a tiny little thing really. A “dog” to keep in your handbag. A happy, companionable little chap. The sweet apple of his doting mother’s eye!

With some regret Esther advised against the inclusion of Dino to her friend’s proposed visit; she explained that she was unsure in fact she just did not know how her Labrador, Cesar, would re-act to the tiny visitor.

“Come by yourself”, she advised — “you had best leave Dino at home!”.

Well, the upshot was that the friend decided to visit Esther with her dog. She said to Esther that it should be quite ok — after all both animals were dogs — same canine family — therefore her — as in Esther’s — fears were ungrounded and the interaction between the two dogs should not be a problem.



a. a. gallagher

Thank you for reading & following. I love a jolly good story: I write short stories, enviro. poetry, and kids’ rhymes. Prev. Education includes a. Dip. S.R.M.