Tony Kulesa
Petri Bio
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2020


Welcome Jaye Goldstein to Petri

We are thrilled to welcome Jaye Goldstein to Petri as Head of Program. She will work with the Petri team and the founders in our first batch of companies to craft an unparalleled experience and engage the incredible Boston entrepreneurial community.

I met Jaye Goldstein in my first year of graduate school at MIT. At that time, the Biological Engineering Department was experimenting with new educational initiatives, especially in communication. Jaye stepped into the challenge, founding the MIT Communication Lab, a program now institutionalized across the entire School of Engineering and with thousands of students impacted.

Over that time, Jaye proved herself as one of the most determined and adaptable people I had met at MIT. Over the next few years, Jaye rewrote the book on higher education, and created an innovative and scalable peer-to-peer education model. The Comm Lab grew to the entire School of Engineering, and Jaye became a highly sought-after master strategist across the rest of MIT.

Having made her mark at MIT, she moved up the river as Harvard courted her to oversee their own growing education innovation ecosystem. There, she launched a fund that, in two years, supported 100 early stage student innovation teams tackling a wide diversity of challenges in education.

Ever since we worked together at MIT, I’ve looked for ways to work together again, and I couldn’t be more excited to welcome Jaye to our team. She is a brilliant education innovator, and I know she will masterfully build an experience that has a gigantic impact on all the founders at Petri.

Welcome Jaye! If you want to get involved with Petri or our companies, Jaye would love to hear from you. Send her a note at!

