“Raise your paws“ for PetSource.io

Andrius Milinavicius
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2018

The story behind our “Bark for PetSource“ project

Dog on-board (Images is a subject to copyright)

You know the common saying that someone is a dog or a cat person. It gets more interesting when you do understand how pets enrich our lives. Joy and only positive emotions is the key element for our satisfaction every day.

It was one sunny evening, I remember, I sat in one of the coziest bars in my city with my friend. As it‘s usual for a techy people, we were talking about ideas and things that happen around us. Then, somehow our discussion moved towards our next flight for a weekend runnaway. I looked at my friend smiling and asked — „Why don’t you ever fly anywhere with your princess?“ reflecting to an extremely gorgeous, but at the same the ultimate pretentious dog she owns. (It‘s amazing Weimaraner.) Without a single doubt she answered to me — „I wouldn‘t hesitate a second and dress her up for a trip“.

At this point my curiosity reached even higher level. I went back in history, when i also had a dog. Somehow, it wasn’t even a thing to consider. The „dogo“ stays at home, and you are packing your stuff. Being carefully monitored by those sad eyes. If you ever had anything like this, you surely know what I’m talking about. And my colleague continued, „the thing is, that everyone would love to carry their family member with themselves! Just there’s also this problem — they never thought about it. And I’m pretty sure, they can‘t even imagine, how difficult it actually is“.

Let’s stop here for a moment. Have you ever wondered, how are the pet travels organized? What documents your pet actually needs. Can you carry them with you to the flight? What regulations there are that state how can pets travel?

And the most important things, what are the broader problems pet owners face? Have you ever seen a poster on some wall in old town — “Help us find our family member”? This time it said „Missing dog found. Please contact if this gorgeous dog belongs to you“! Someone was indeed very lucky, but how many time we actually lose our true family members just because there aren’t a stable and working pet registry?

Going even further, does anyone want to remember a situation when your bellowed pet suddenly becomes ill and you‘re pretty much ready to do anything to help him. But whom should you turn to? How can you be sure, that all the medical data of your previous cures are stored somewhere your veterinarian can reach? Or for example if you‘re away from your usual place. Maybe there‘s even some breed science that should be considered or for example shouldn't veterinarian be able to get information about some pets family illness that goes from one generation to other?

Unlike usual stories, this one has a really positive turn of events. Because in this story Andrea Pinzauti comes into place. And Andrea is a serial entrepreneur having served in executive roles in the pet related products, technology, plastics and raw materials industries. Andrea leads different businesses in several countries (among others - Switzerland, Italy, Lithuania and UAE). He also brings more than two decades’ worth of experience and success to the brand new project that we call PetSource.io.

And here — our story only begins ;)

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