Security Tokens Taxonomy — Jesus Rodrigues @ hackernoon

Thomaz Teixeira
nTokens Blog
Published in
1 min readSep 1, 2018


In “Want to Understand Security Tokens? Look at this Market TaxonomyJesus Rodrigues proposes an interesting perspective on the security tokens ecosystem.

After categorising key segments in Asset Tokenization Platforms · Token Standards · Liquidity Providers · Exchanges · Foundational Protocols · Derivatives · Stable Coins · Tokenized Funds · Crowdfunding STO Marketplaces · Advisory Firms · Industry Specific Asset-Backed Tokens.

At PET Tokens we plan to start in the stable coins and as regulation advances apply the framework to a more general case in the asset-backed tokenization industry. In both scenarios we foster partnerships with liquidity providers.

Rodrigues’s article also brought us this handy diagram:

