Pexa Project Alpha Launches, Start Your Own Mining Pool

Ryan Hein
Pexa Project
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2019

It’s almost Cyber Monday, and what would Cyber Monday be without a hint of crypto!

Have you ever wanted to own, and/or run your own mining pool? Do you have little to no experience managing linux servers, or just can’t program? If so, the Pexa Project crypto cloud platform is the solution for you.

The first problem the Pexa Project solves is the creation of a mining pool. There are very few selections and choices when it comes to creating mining pools, so Pexa aims to solve this.

There has been substantial iteration and engineering behind building these cloud mining pools. As an example, the multi-tenant manage panel for each individual mining pool is currently being worked on and should be ready within the next few weeks.

Here is a quick tutorial on how to get started with your own mining pool on our platform.

Getting Started

After you log into the application, click on ‘Create Managed Mining Pool.’

Pexa coin managed pool main screen.

Note: The current price of 50 pexa per day is being used as a placeholder until enough data has been accumulated to be able to develop a fair price point which will support the infrastructure.

Once you’ve clicked into the control panel, you are presented with some options. Other than the name of the pool, which is purely internal and only used to identify your pool in the platform’s manage panel, all options here can be changed later.

Fill out the name. Use a name you can easily remember in order to later identify your pool from the manage panel. This name is used to identify a lot of internal workings of the application. Don’t worry if you need to put a number or something in it, as this is not public. The platform will prompt you if the pool name is already in use.

The next steps are simple. The admin username and admin password are setup to create the initial account in your mining pool in order to manage it within your domain. Choose something secure, as to prevent people from logging into your pool.

The next step you’ll want to do is choose your region. Currently we only support North America, but plans to branch out into Asia and Europe are in the works.

Choose your Stratum’s Region

Choose your Stratum Region

After choosing your region you are presented with a couple more options.

The mining pool domain name is the main domain name you choose for your mining pool. This domain is used for the website miners to visit and see the front end statistics.

The stratum domain name is the domain name to identify your stratum server. This domain is used for identifying the stratum server.

Note: Currently, we only support miners that have SNI (server name indication) compliance. This gives us the ability to load balance the mining, and add security to the data exchange between you and the stratum server. We worked with T-Rex miner on this to add SNI. The new version of the T-Rex miner is not yet released, but will be given out to the testing team. We will be working with other miners to add this same compliance. Once the domain resolves at the load balancer via SNI, the stratum server can be found.

We currently do not support any integrations yet with domain registrars and resellers to automatically set up your pool and stratum domain name. We most certainly plan to do this in the future.

Fill out your domain identity and choose the algorithm groups for your stratum.

Fill out your domain identity and choose the algorithm groups for your stratum.

Next, choose the algorithms you’d like to enable. Version 1 will only have x16rv2, but we will be adding many more managed coins and algorithms in the coming weeks.

The heavy lifting of developing the backbone of this solution has mostly been completed. Work that remains is expansion and refinement of this solution.

Ways to Support the Project and Development

If you love what we’re doing you can support the project a number of ways. You can donate to one of the addresses below, or head on over and check out Star Citizen and purchase a ship package to feed my Star Citizen addition use code STAR-652H-XZHC to get 5000 free in-game credits.

BTC: 39hB2U3Z9Xzd9AxLerARuscbDkiQHn8bpy
LTC: MEp2yGFTmZBVU1vnzgwzpWrwspsoLkeh6c
ETH: 0x0e56e109A4Fbc98a0A6Df4320F04EDEc1987e94A
ETC: 0x37ee6C3E22c734DfAA53A006D4D4B36136fCA26d
PEXA: XDix8fDzYk7nfjG8vD52tPuP2zXWkKUDVi

Links and Community Participation

To participate in the community, please follow us on twitter and join the Discord channel.



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Pexa Coin Core Releases:

