Speed Up Your Airtable Content Planning with Pexels

Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2020

Who hasn’t experienced it: that feeling of dread when you open up a messy, totally disorganized planning spreadsheet?

Airtable was created as a solution to that timeless struggle for efficient, well-designed project planning. It’s the app your spreadsheets have been crying out for.

But Airtable isn’t just a workflow tool or a schedule or a database — it’s all of those and more, rolled into one highly customizable package. It’s also now a place where you can find visual inspiration for your projects.

We know that for those who work in marketing, PR, social media, events, and any area where visual communication is key, it can be tough to keep track of all the different places where your assets are stored.

And sourcing those assets is a whole other challenge. Sometimes you don’t have the team resources to create an image or video in house — you’re spending ages combing through stock sites for the right shot, then you’re Slacking it to different team members, and somehow your whole workday gets wasted. We’ve all been there.

Airtable and Pexels: The dream team in action.

Not anymore! Meet Airtable Blocks. Blocks are mini apps that help you extend the work system you’ve built with Airtable. Whether you want to capture and share new insights with powerful visualization and formatting tools, analyze and enrich with more information, or plan and collaborate in new and powerful ways, Blocks offers mix-and-match functionality to make it happen.

This is all made possible through the new Airtable Pexels integration. You can seamlessly browse the whole Pexels library without having to leave Airtable, making it fast (and fun!) to locate the perfect photo or video for any project.

Canva’s content marketing team uses Airtable for all their planning needs. “With content, there’s lots of different pieces at play,” says team member Nicole Singh. “Being able to search for Pexels within Airtable just takes out another step in the process and becomes a really handy, easy way for editors, content creators, and social media pros to be able to see all together what images are going live, and how that helps tell the story to your users and customers.” We couldn’t have said it better.

Try out the Pexels block in Airtable now! All Airtable users not on the Pro plan can get a free 14-day trial here.

Interested in partnering up with Pexels? Get in touch at partnerships@pexels.com



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Free stock photos and videos from a global network of creators.