11.28: System Development

MacKenzie Cherban
Picksburgh Penguins
2 min readNov 29, 2016

We shared our new concept direction with Austin, he provided valuable feedback, particularly surround our augmented reality(AR) component. He suggested that we pay close attention to when we are utilizing AR, urging us consider the moment in which we switch from AR to the flat user interface. Moving forward, we spent the rest of the in-class work day flushing out our system further. Keeping in mind Austin’s feedback, as well as our newly shifted goals, we worked on the several components. Particularly the system map.

Next Steps:

  • Finalize System Map (all components and their interaction)
  • UI Design
    - Key Features (details)
    - Identify key frames to wireframe out
    - Information Architecture
  • Splitting tasks
    - Wireframing
    - Web app
    - Phone app
  • Visual design inspiration
  • Speak to business owners and event hosts (maybe Nina, Espresso a Mano)
  • Brainstorm names for the system
  • Presentation creation

