Moving the pgMustard blog

We will be posting new entries on our own site and not Medium.

Michael Christofides
2 min readMay 5, 2020


No worries, where is it and how do I get notifications?

Its new home is and you have a few options for getting notifications of new posts:

So far, we have only published one post since the switch, which was about configuring work_mem.

As ever, we value your feedback, so do let us know if this isn’t ideal for you. And sorry for not letting you know sooner, especially if our latest post would have helped you out.

So why the move?

Our main reasons were:

  • We lost the distribution benefits of Medium (we turned this off to opt out of the paywall)
  • We wanted people to recognise the pgMustard website look and feel
  • We wanted search engines to give our domain any credit these posts were earning
  • We didn’t want to maintain new posts in two places (and trust the search engines to select our post as the canonical one)
Migration pros. Photo by Jan-Niclas Aberle.

What are you using now? Did you migrate old posts? Tell me more!

Our site is (currently) hosted on Squarespace. There wasn’t an easy way to migrate existing posts directly, but it was relatively painless to migrate from Medium to Wordpress and then Wordpress to Squarespace. We also kept our Medium posts live and set their canonical version to our own site. Some search engines still rank Medium versions of some of our posts, but we’re ok with that.

Hopefully that’s helpful if you’re considering a similar switch!



Michael Christofides

pgMustard co-founder, bootstrapper, amateur pun craftsman, jumper aficionado. I intend to blog more about Customer Success and Product Management. Do say hello!