Climate change negatively effects forest health

Dvorakova Barbora
Ph.D. stories
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2023

Climate change negatively effects forest health. Constantly increasing temperature is considered as a main factor, thereby causing higher drought and a change in atmosphere composition due to the industrial activities (Hamilton et al., 2001). Increasing temperature have indirect effect on photosynthetic rate and the production of secondary metabolites which plants use as a defence (Sinclair, Weiss 2010). Due to the anthropogenic activity the composition of atmosphere changes. Increased levels of ambient CO2 increase the C: N balance of plant tissues (Lincoln et al., 1984). Plants growing in changing environment need to adapt on these changes by many proceedings which affects their overall quality. These proceedings appear in different chemical composition, genetic, physiological, and structural changes (Fürstenberg-Hägg at al., 2013). For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to these negative factors, monitor the distribution of herbivores and get a better understanding of plant defences. The experiment will focus on the development of Lymantria dispar catterpillars, which will be fed by different types of diet. The diet will be prepared from seedlings raised in strictly defined growth conditions including certain CO2 concentration and air temperature. The goal of the project is to evaluate the differences in larval development which will be fed by oak and spruce experimental seedlings. Spongy moth (Lymantria dispar Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of moth in the family Erebidae. Its caterpillars are a serious threat to deciduous and coniferous forests. Its population density is usually relatively low and do not pose a threat to ecosystem. A spongy moth outbreak can occur when forests are affected by unsuitable climatic conditions. Severe defoliation can reduce tree growth and predispose trees for other insect attacks and diseases. Frequent defoliation can cause mortality, especially in weakened or stressed trees. Caterpillars feed on the leaves of a variety of broadleaved tree and shrub species, showing a preference for oaks (Quercus) and also feed on conifers and even on agricultural crops (Fox et al., 2013). The Earth has been going through a climate change. The atmosphere changes its composition as a result of anthropogenic activities. The amount of carbon dioxide and average annual temperature are raising. This happens because of manufacturing operations, industrial processes and burning fossil fuels. The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is not high (0,04 %), nevertheless changes in such low concentration can have radical consequences for natural ecosystem functions (Hamilton et al., 2001). Trees growing in altered climate conditions must adapt to the changes. Adaptation is morphological or chemical. These changes cause different nutrient quality of leaves. Growth, fecundity, and population dynamics of herbivores may, therefore, be affected by changes in host plant quality. Higher concentration of CO2 leads to higher amount of carbohydrates in plant organs and the of nitrogen content drops. The C: N ration raises (Lincoln et al., 1984), protein content decreases and the plants become less nutritious. When atmospheric CO2 increases, the concentration of secondary metabolites (plant defence agents) in plants also increases. The air temperature affects photosynthetic rates and the biomass production (Sinclair, Weiss 2010). Herbivores consuming less nutritious host plants react by higher food consumption, larval development period extends, and female fertility probably decreases (Lindroth et al., 1997b).

Fox, R. (2013). The decline of moths in Great Britain: a review of possible causes. Insect conservation and diversity, 6(1), 5–19.

Fürstenberg-Hägg, J., Zagrobelny, M., & Bak, S. (2013). Plant defense against insect herbivores. International journal of molecular sciences, 14(5), 10242–10297.

Hamilton, J. G., Thomas, R. B., & Delucia, E. H. (2001). Direct and indirect effects of elevated CO2 on leaf respiration in a forest ecosystem. Plant, Cell & Environment, 24(9), 975–982.

Lincoln, D. E., Sionit, N., & Strain, B. R. (1984). Growth and feeding response of Pseudoplusia includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to host plants grown in controlled carbon dioxide atmospheres. Environmental entomology, 13(6), 1527–1530.

Lindroth, R. L., Klein, K. A., Hemming, J. D., & Feuker, A. M. (1997). Variation in temperature and dietary nitrogen affect performance of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.). Physiological Entomology, 22(1), 55–64.

Sinclair, T. R., & Weiss, A. (2010). Principles of ecology in plant production. CABI.

