Controlling and much more

Ph.D. stories
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2023

“Study without application is like a ship without an anchor, which may drift away from its moorings at any moment.” — Leonardo da Vinci

As a PhD student at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, I am doing research that can contribute to the development of new knowledge in the field of business performance evaluation. My current research topic focuses on the development of a controlling mechanism for company performance evaluation based on publicly available data.

Controlling is a crucial area for the success of any company, and it involves several tasks and operations that help to maintain a healthy business performance. My dissertation aims to explore on how publicly available data can be leveraged to develop a controlling mechanism that can compare companies with each other and evaluate the performance and health of the companies. This mechanism will help also external stakeholders such as competitors and clients to evaluate the performance of companies in a more objective and systematic manner.

The dissertation aims to assist companies in improving their performance evaluation by using a combination of financial and non-financial KPIs. This approach provides a comprehensive and balanced understanding of a company’s overall success and impact on stakeholders.

To achieve this goal, the dissertation identifies relevant KPIs for the controlling area and categorizes them into financial and non-financial metrics. The financial KPIs typically include measures such as EBITDA and discounted cash flow, while non-financial KPIs could relate to factors such as customer satisfaction and environmental sustainability.

Overall, this dissertation provides a framework for companies to integrate both financial and non-financial KPIs into their performance evaluation systems. By doing so, companies can create a more comprehensive scorecard that reflects both short-term financial objectives and long-term sustainable goals. Furthermore, such an approach can contribute to more effective decision-making and a more socially responsible business model.

The process of setting up the controlling mechanism involves identifying relevant KPIs, collecting publicly available data, and developing a systematic approach to analyzing this data. This dissertation will also examine the challenges and limitations of using publicly available data for company performance evaluation and how to mitigate these challenges.

I am passionate about this research topic and committed to contributing new knowledge to the field of business performance evaluation. I am open to any comments and ideas that you may have on this topic. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me, as I am eager to collaborate and exchange ideas with fellow researchers and practitioners in the field.

