Genome Sleuths: Cracking the Allopolyploid Code

Benneth Nass
Ph.D. stories
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2024

Understanding life is like solving a jigsaw puzzle, evolution being the key piece. The famous biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky once said: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”

An appreciation of evolution helps us unlock the secrets of where life came from, how it has diversified and how different species are classified. In the following narrative, I will delve into the details of my current PhD research topic and outline my goals and objectives — written as a botanical whodunit.

Unravelling the genome of a plant species: a detective story in the field of biology. Picture by DALL·E 2 (2024).

Phylogenetics: Of Genes and Genomes

Before we explore the world of evolution, it’s important to set the scene by defining some key terms. Phylogenetics is a detective’s toolkit for discovering the family tree of living things, working out who’s related and how. Most commonly, genes serve as the first breadcrumps for a researcher.

In our biological case, genes can be thought of as the individual pieces of evidence. These genes are like tiny instruction manuals. They tell our bodies how to grow, how to function and how to stay alive. Where do we find these genes? They’re tucked away in structures known as chromosomes. Think of them as binders containing these instruction manual pages. The whole set of instructions, all the genes in an organism, is what we call the genome. So, if the genes are the pages or fingerprints in our case, then the chromosomes are the folders, and the genome is the whole case file.

Phylogenetics helps us look at these instructions, folders and files across species. It’s like comparing notes to see who has similar instructions, which folders look the same and how the case files are connected. In doing so, we can unravel the family secrets written in the genes, discover common ancestors and understand how the instruction manuals of life have been passed down and modified from generation to generation.

Looking for clues in a genome can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Picture by DALL·E 2 (2024).

Current Case: Allopolyploid Species

Imagine if our detective story had a twist where some characters had spare copies of their details. In the world of plants, there are some species that have more than the usual two sets of chromosomes. They may have three, four or even more! When this occurs, it’s like having multiple copies of the same set of instructions. This condition is called polyploidy. It adds a fascinating layer to our biological mystery.

There’s a special kind of polyploidy called allopolyploidy, which is a kind of genetic collaboration. It is the joining together of two different species and the merging of their instruction manuals. It’s like taking two separate case files and combining them into one. This can create new plant species with a mixture of characteristics from both parents.

Why is polyploidy interesting? It often makes plants more robust and adaptable. Having extra sets of instructions can help plants cope with different environmental challenges, just like having a backup plan. They become hardier, more resistant to disease. Sometimes they even produce bigger and more abundant fruits and flowers. Some important crops like wheat, canola and cotton are allopolyploid species.

The Detective’s Data Cruncher: Bioinformatics

Phylogenetic detectives rely heavily on their trusty sidekick: bioinformatics, an indispensable tool for solving the mysteries of the genetic world. Think of it as a sophisticated set of computer-based instruments that allow us to decipher the intricate genetic codes hidden in the DNA of living organisms.

Like a state-of-the-art digital detective’s lab, bioinformatics reveals the hidden stories woven into the fabric of all living things. Bioinformatics not only adds excitement to our journey through biology, but also allows us to precisely explore the intricate stories of life’s diversification.

Bioinformatics has become an integral part of modern phylogenetics. Picture by DALL·E 2 (2024).

Success as a phylogenetic detective isn’t just down to skills and tools. It’s also thanks to a stash of public databases, a vast store of genetic information contributed by scientists around the world. These resources act as our informants, providing valuable insights and clues to help us crack the case.

This Case Suspects: the Chenopodium album aggregate

Every gripping detective story needs a compelling villain. Here, the prime suspects are the plants of the Chenopodium album aggregate, allotetraploids with twice the usual number of genetic clues. You may be familiar with their famous ‘cousin’: Chenopodium quinoa!

C. strictum, one of the four plants of the C. album aggrate. Picture by B. Mandák (2023).

Imagine a lineup of four plants, all looking different but with the exact same genetic blueprint. It’s a tricky puzzle: they’re like four suspects, each with the same clues but pointing in different directions. The big question is: how did these plants become so different, despite having the same genetic instructions?

My research is about solving this particular riddle. I want to find out why, despite sharing the same genetic code, these plants have become so diverse and stable. Studying these plants isn’t just a simple whodunit; it’s a deep dive into how plants survive and evolve. As we learn more about their genetic history and how they’ve changed over time, we’ll not only get closer to solving this mystery, but we’ll also learn valuable lessons about how plants adapt and thrive in our ever-changing world. These discoveries may even be able to teach us more about the way life works in general.

So, stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion!

Case closed… soon?

As we lower the curtain on this saga, our journey through the intricate genetic landscapes of allopolyploid plants and Chenopodium has reached a pause, but certainly not an end. Like any good detective story, there are still some missing pieces of the puzzle. My research journey has only just begun. The secrets of the evolution of allopolyploid plants are still not fully understood.

The Chenopodium album case is not solved yet. Picture by DALL·E 2 (2024).

So as we say goodbye to our green protagonist, let’s remember that in the evolving world of nature, every species, every leaf and every genetic code has its own compelling story to tell. My investigation may end here, but nature’s mysteries continue to be revealed, waiting for the next inquisitive detective to embark on another enigma…

