Seasonal variations in radon emanation from the dump shaft №15 and their impact on the surrounding atmosphere.

Theodor Adam
Ph.D. stories
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2024

The evaluation of the impact of radon emanation from the dump shaft №15 after the completion of uranium mining on the environment and the description of the radiation situation of the dump №15 based on field and aerial measurements of the ambient dose rate equivalent (ADRE), grab sampling air sample collections, and continuous measurement of radon activity concentration (RAC). Daily, nightly, and seasonal variations in radon concentration were created from the measured and analysed data. The results of monitoring were visualized using the QGIS software environment and other graphical outputs.

In collaboration with DIAMO s. p., o. z. SUL Příbram, the State Institute for Radiation Protection, Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering at CTU, the State Office for Nuclear Safety, and the Nuclear Protection Department of National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection, monitoring of the dump shaft №15 was conducted. The entire project took place from 2021 to 2023 in several phases. A weather station was installed on the mining tower in the shaft’s area to record climatic conditions throughout the duration of the project. After identifying “hot spots” on the crown of the dump shaft №15 using a drone, summer and winter measurements of RAC were then conducted there and also on the adjacent meadow next to the dump.

The measured and processed values demonstrated the influence of dump material on the radon activity concentration in the external atmosphere, confirmed the impact of temperature on the “breathing” of the dump, and demonstrated the potential impact of the dump on the indoor atmosphere of dwellings in neighbouring communities.

