The future of communication? Use of Artificial intelligence in Social networks in ČR.

Adéla Mráčková
Ph.D. stories
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2023

Social networks are online platforms that allow users to create profiles, share content and interact with other users. These platforms are increasingly popular and have a significant impact on our daily lives and society as a whole. (Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C.,2011)

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unplash

According to a 2021 Pew Research Center survey, 69% of American adults use social media. The most used platforms are Facebook (69% of users), YouTube (81% of users) and Instagram (40% of users). (Auxier Broke and Anderson Monica, 2021)

As we already know, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and imitate their actions. The term can also be used for any machine that exhibits traits associated with the human mind, such as learning and problem solving. With artificial intelligence, people most associate the word — robot. (BURZOVNISVET.CZ, 2022)

In today’s digital age, managing social networks and creating quality content is an essential factor for a successful business. Social networks are an important tool for building awareness of your brand, establishing relationships with potential customers and the associated sales support. Thanks to its ability to spread information quickly and efficiently, social networks play an important role in the communication strategy of any business. It is important that the content is engaging, relevant and valuable. (Burešová, 2022)

And now to how AI can be used in social networks. There are tons of apps that help social media managers to market more effectively. One of the given applications can be Deeply, a futuristic application that creates in a minute: ads, realistic graphics, marketing texts, posts, better content, etc. Thanks to this application, we avoid unnecessary costs and thus save time. Just register and pay CZK 1,490 per month. The Deeply app can:
1. Use advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to manage social networks and create content on them.
2. Enables the creation of engaging, relevant and valuable content.
3. Can analyze trends, understand the needs of our target group and can create content that will be attractive.
4. Reduces costs for marketing and presentation on the Internet.
5. You will improve the performance and reach of your posts and campaigns. (, 2023)

I must say that it is interesting to use these applications for marketing purposes, which will lead to the improvement of communication on FB and especially on IG.

It is still debatable in the world whether the improvement of AI is not causing an ever-increasing increase in unemployment worldwide. But according to the report “The Future of Jobs Report 2020” from the World Economic Forum, it will rather be about an increase in employment, their assumption of an increase in employment until 2022 was around 5%, at the same time it states that some jobs so far may become unnecessary and completely for society will disappear and be replaced by AI. Sociální sítě? Nechte to na umělé inteligenci. (The Future of Jobs Report 2020, 2020)

In my opinion, the use of AI in marketing is very beneficial in terms of saving time and costs. On the other hand, it follows that AI will replace the jobs of paid marketing agencies, marketing jobs, etc. One thing is quite known — AI is limited by its algorithms and training data provided by the creators. It is able to analyze and generate text, answer questions and search for information, but replace human creativity, intuition, empathy and other abilities that are natural to people — emotions.

I myself like to use artificial intelligence to generate possible contents and texts for the target group. But as I mentioned above, the machine still cannot completely replace a person, as such.

“The creation of functional artificial intelligence may be the greatest event in the history of our civilization. Or the worst. We simply don’t know. We therefore do not know whether artificial intelligence will help us enormously, or whether it will ignore us, push us away, or destroy us.” Stephen Hawking (Burgess, 2017)


Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C., 2011. Connection strategies: Social capital implications of Facebook-enabled communication practices. New Media & Society, 13(6), 873–892

Auxier Broke and Anderson Monica, 2021. Social Media Use in 2021 | Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center | Pew Research Center [online]. Dostupné z:

BURZOVNISVET.CZ, 2022. Umělá inteligence: Co to je a jaké společnosti v ní mají budoucnost? — Seznam Médium. [online]. Copyright © 1996 [cit. 14.04.2023]. Dostupné z:

BUREŠOVÁ, Jitka. Online marketing: od webových stránek k sociálním sítím. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2022. Expert (Grada). ISBN 978–80–271–1680–5.

Sociální sítě? Nechte to na umělé inteligenci. Nová éra je tu!. Umělá inteligence — pište chytlavé texty a tvořte AI grafiku, mrkněte! [online]. Dostupné z:

The Future of Jobs Report 2020, 2020. Word economic forum. [online]. Copyright © [cit. 14.04.2023]. Dostupné z:

Burgess, Sanya, 2017. Business. Stephen Hawking: AI could be ‘worst event in the history of our civilisation’. [online]. Dostupné z:

