Why People Decide To Become Programmers

Nddy Andy
PH DevConnect
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2017

There are different reasons why people get into the programming world, ranging from change of financial status to being an extraterrestrial to ordinary folks around you.

I remember when I had no Idea what HTML was; I use to think it a file extension because that what I saw when I save pages from the web; that means I knew HTML as I knew .pdf and .doc and I was quite proud of my achievements so far until I went for a seminal, yeah seminar, always go to those stuffs, Programmer or not, well enough chit-chat about my journey. Let’s look at some reasons why people decide they should be programmers.

Love For Computers

This can also be termed as people with Interest (curious folks). Some people who have been using computers for some time get curious as as to how everything within the computer works:. They start searching Google, going to meetups, one thing leads to another and they print “Hello world!” *wink*. This kind of people seem to to as far as becoming pros in our profession.


Yea I said it, you can inherit code skills from your relations or friends. Look at it this way if you father is a fisherman; you got to know how nets and boats work, so there you have it, if your relative is a programmer it is likely that you are gonna know(learn) it. A friend of mine said if a wicked man gets married; give his wife some time and she will be wicked too. So if your relative is a programmer you got some hidden code writing talents in you.

Financial Status

These set of people are influenced by the media, they have heard that programmers make a whole lot of cash(not entirely true, but we do alright), they could be workers with low income or unsatisfied income; I’m saying this because what they might see as low might be high to others. They could also be the unemployed workforce who think writing code can fill the financial space in their accounts.


I should divide this set of people into two: black/white hackers and those who want to protect themselves from this hackers. I think with the recent #WannaCry virus I’m one of those who want to protect myself from this hackers (white of black).

Self-Employed Rebels

This are the start-up set of people, one month into learning a coding language and they are already seeing their future company manifesting right before their own eyes *laughs*. Well most of them go on to become entrepreneurs with great ideas and low code writing skills(they can be bad-ass too).


There are lots of reason why people decide to become programmers, got some? I’m happy to see yours in the comment below. Happy Coding!

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Nddy Andy
PH DevConnect

I Laugh and code for a living ☺#WebDeveloper #TeamMUFC IG: @nddyandy