Cloud Computing Tokenomic Paper Bounty M1 Finished, Recap Videos of Polkadot 2022 Hangzhou Is Online|Phala Weekly Vol. 95

Phala Network
Phala Network
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2022

👷 Khala/Phala Secure Worker Mining

🙋 Khala Democracy Governance

Khala has 1 Democracy referendum underway this week. Treasury accumulated 17.56 M PHA.

Democracy Referendum

  • #56: This referendum comes from the technical coucil proposal to ugpgrade Khala Runtime to v1170.


  • Tip: Jaime, Phala’s Spanish ambassador, has developed a tool to automatically claim rewards for stakers and pool owners
  • Tip: PhalaWorld mod infaceAI translates 20 wiki articles

Dev Updates


1.Fat Contract

  • overall progress 15/33

2. App

  • Suspended aUSD following the Acala’s accident mitigation suggestion
  • Showing pool description length

3. Cloud Computing Tokenomic paper bounty M1 finished

💻Work in progress

  1. SubBridge
  • PHA transfer between Phala and Ethereum
  • StakePool v2 & Vault implementation is finished. Now reviewing Vaults.

2. App

  • creating and editing contributor whitelist
  • Enable Kusama node disk saving in solo mining script
  • Cloud Computing Tokenomic design finalized the discussion; will publish soon

Community & Ecosystem


Product Progress

a.) Creating a demo for pre-FE work

b.) Seal NFT included StakepoolV2

Operation & Marketing
a.) On August 18, PhalaWorld participated in the Polkadot Ecological Exchange Conference held in Dali, Yunnan
b.) PhalaWorld will participate in the Token 2049 held in Singapore, and there will be a lot of free gifts and interesting interactions

Activities & News

  • From August 19th to 20th, Phala Network and PhalaWorld participated in a series of activity of Polkadot Ecological Party in Dali, Yunnan
  • Recap of Phala’s speeches at Polkadot Decoded 2022 Hangzhou is online
    — Phala Network:Enable HTTP Requests in Ink! — By Dr. Zhou
    — Phala Network:The Web3 Infrastructure beyond Smart Contract— By Hang Yin
  • Head of Europe Growth Zoe participated in NFT Pitch Night and Meet-Up on August 18 in Berlin, Germany
  • Phala is on Fearless Wallet
  • Khala can be transferred with Heiko and Karura on Nova Wallet

🪧 Coming up

  1. From September 14th to 15th, Phala will appear at Berlin Blockchain Week and participate in roundtable discussions. Please stay tuned for details.
  2. Phala will attend Token 2049 from September 28th to 29th in Singapore. We will host parties and side events, stay tuned!
  3. Phala will participate in San Francisco Blockchain Week on November 3rd, stay tuned for details

About Phala

Phala Network tackles the issue of trust in the computation cloud.

By organizing a decentralized network of computation nodes around the world, it offers high-performance services without relying on any cloud vendor. Phala workers run the programs in Secure Enclaves, a privacy technology already embedded into modern processors, enabling versatile and confidential execution. Together, this creates the infrastructure for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

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