Finished Preliminary Functionalities of Fat Contract | Phala Weekly Vol.63

Phala Network
Phala Network


Khala Network

👷 Khala Secure Worker Mining

The details of Khala SWM system statistics are below:

🙋 Khala democracy governance

Khala democracy received one proposal and it has entered the referendum stage last week. The Council passed another treasury tip which remains to be closed counted as 500 PHA.

a.) #14 referendum

#10 proposal was passed as the #14 referendum, which is the strategy of Polkadot parachain slot auction submitted by Marvin Tong

Keypoint are below:

  • 1 DOT = 12 PHA
  • Auction cap:8mln DOT
  • Reward buget:10% of PHA total supply
  • Old Gangster bonus: 5% extra reward

b.) Treasury Tips Application

  • tioneb: Phala French ambassadortioneb applied for reimbursement for an event he organized for Phala on Nov. 24th.

Dev Updates


  1. Phala App
  • Added max button on withdraw modal
  • Compatible with Khala 0.1.9

2. Misc

  • Finished Khala 1090 runtime upgrading
  • Finished preliminary functionalities of Fat Contract V0, and demonstrate them at Substrate Seminar

- Showed how to use Fat Contract to query the latest BTC price from web service

- Showed how to deploy and execute unmodified Parity Ink! Contract in Phala Secure Worker

- Code sample available in

  • Updated Phala JS SDK for Fat Contract

💻Work in progress

  1. pRuntime
  • Testing lifecycle management for Fat Contract, allow to deploy and instantiate builtin contracts

2. Khala

  • Testing integration of ChainBridge and assets pallet

3. Phala App

  • Backend
  • Introducing MQC (Message Queue Chain) for better consistency

Community & Ecosystem

  • Communities Stats:

Activities & News

  • On Dec. 14th, Dr. Shelven was invited to talk on Substrate Seminar. In this online event, Dr. Shelven showed the first typical use case based on Fat Contract — BTC price bot that was created by the participant in Encode hackathon. When a Web3 program contained asynchronous HTTP requests, devs’ creativity would go beyond your imagination of smart contracts!
  • On Dec. 16th, Phala Co-founder Marvin Tong gave a speech at the European Blockchain Convention around the topic of Decentralized Cloud Services for the Web3.0. In the panel, he stated thatThe metaverse infrastructure is extremely hard and it needs to combine with different protocols in the future.” Review
  • In #006 Phala Chamber held on Dec.16th, Phala core team members talked about Phala world, Polkadot parachain slot auction strategy, and latest tech updates.
  • Phala was listed on Metaprint’s Genesis brand partners list on Dec. 17th. Metaprint will launch limited edition Genesis Metaprint NFTs for its partners.

🪧 Upcoming

  • 2021/12/21, Dr. Shelven will talk about Fat Contract introduction in Phala crowdcast

Book now:

About Phala

Phala Network tackles the issue of trust in the computation cloud.

This blockchain is a trustless computation platform that enables massive cloud processing without sacrificing data confidentiality. Built around TEE-based privacy technology already embedded into modern processors, Phala Network’s distributed computing cloud is versatile and confidential. By separating the consensus mechanism from computation, Phala ensures processing power is highly scalable but not wasteful. Together, this creates the infrastructure for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

As a member parachain of the Polkadot cross-chain ecosystem, Phala will be able to provide computing power to other blockchain applications while protecting the data layer, enabling possibilities like privacy-protected DeFi trading positions and transaction history, co-computing DID confidential data, developing light-node cross-chain bridges, and more.

On-chain services currently being developed on Phala Network include Web3 Analytics: high-performance smart contracts from Phala to enable highly concurrent mass data analytics with privacy, paving the way for an alternative to Google Analytics that inherently respects individual confidentiality.

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