Multiple Industry Experts Join Phala’s R&D Company in Executive Capacities

Phala Network
Phala Network


We are glad to announce that, HashForest (Singapore), Phala Network’s committed R&D company, has introduced 3 high-level experts into its talent composition. They are:

Shunfan Zhou, Ph.D. Candidate in System Software and Security Laboratory, Fudan University, lead author of An Ever-evolving Game: Evaluation of Real-world Attacks and Defenses in Ethereum Ecosystem, (USENIX Security 20). Co-author of other papers in top-tier security conferences. Also, he is the co-author of the Phala Network whitepaper and participated in the design of Phala’s system architecture. Mr. Zhou will lead Phala and the tech team in researching algorithms, system structures, and network optimization to improve the quality and capabilities of the Phala privacy computing cloud as a full-time partner.

Sandro Gorduladze, CIO at Gagra Ventures, an early-stage investment firm. Prior to launching the fund, Sandro ran Research at HASH CIB, a digital asset financial services company that made a name for itself with in-depth research reports. Prior to joining HASH Sandro worked at PwC in Russia, advising TMT sector companies on tax matters. Starting in 2020, Sandro Gorduladze served as a Phala advisor, giving high-value input on strategic planning and resource integration, as well as financial guidance. Sandro will lead Phala’s strategic and globalization efforts as a full-time partner.

Ruby Wang, former Operations & Marketing Director of HashKey Hub with many years of experience in marketing and operation. Before joining HashKey, Ruby served as head of Chinese market for Wanchain in 2018–2019 and later worked for the Asia Top Fintech media firm ChainNews and its sister company Winkrypto as VP, holding responsibility for project promotion, business cooperation and operations — accumulating a great deal of experience in the blockchain space. Ruby will lead cloud service business promotion and sales as a full-time partner.

In addition, Phala Network offers advisory positions in the upcoming democratic Council to four new members. They are:

  • Konstantin Shamruk, Ph.D., Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, who studied under Nobel Prize winner Jean Tirole. Konstantin led the game-theoretic analysis of Phala Network’s token economics model, introducing cutting-edge research in Economics to Phala’s design.
  • Joe Petrowski, the technology integration lead of Web3 Foundation. Joe also hosts the “Relay Chain” podcast that covers people and projects in the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Jonas Gehrlein, Ph.D., University of Bern, who works as a research scientist at the Web3 Foundation in charge of researching economic problems in the Polkadot ecosystem. Before joining W3F, Jonas did his Ph.D. in Behavioral and Experimental Economics, working on projects which explore human decision-making. Before that, he obtained a master’s degree in quantitative economics from the University of Konstanz.
  • Zoé Meckbach, M.Sc. in Information & Cybersecurity. Polkadot Global Head Ambassador of Events. Blockchain technology and Cybersecurity advocate. She is the COO of MH-IT & Service GmbH, an IT services and consulting company in Germany. Before joining MH-IT, she worked for Google as an applications analyst.

We believe that Phala will break new ground in cutting-edge exploration of technology, markets, and strategy with these members on board.

About Phala

Phala Network tackles the issue of trust in the computation cloud.

This blockchain is a trustless computation platform that enables massive cloud processing without sacrificing data confidentiality. Built around TEE-based privacy technology already embedded into modern processors, Phala Network’s distributed computing cloud is versatile and confidential. By separating the consensus mechanism from computation, Phala ensures processing power is highly scalable. Together, this creates the infrastructure for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

As a member parachain of the Polkadot cross-chain ecosystem, Phala will be able to provide computing power to other blockchain applications while protecting the data layer, enabling possibilities like privacy-protected DeFi trading positions and transaction history, co-computing DID confidential data, developing light-node cross-chain bridges, and more.

On-chain services currently being developed on Phala Network include Web3 Analytics: high-performance smart contracts from Phala enable highly concurrent mass data analytics with privacy, paving the way for an alternative to Google Analytics that inherently respects individual confidentiality.

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