Online Worker Number Remains 10 k+, Phala World Releases Stories | Phala Weekly Vol.67

Phala Network
Phala Network


🔥 Phala Crowdloan


As of Jan. 17th, there are 567 addresses contributing 236,704 DOT to Phala Crowdloan.

There are 10 ways to contribute to Phala during the second batch of bidding.

Polkadot.js, Parallel, Bifrost, Equilibrium, Subscan, Dotmarketcap, OKEx, AscendEX, Gate, MEXC Global.

Khala Network

👷 Khala Secure Worker Mining

The details of Khala SWM system statistics are below:

🙋 Khala democracy governance

Last week, Khala’s democracy governance system restarted operations, we received 1 democracy referendum, 2 treasury bounties applications(170,300 PHA), and 1 treasury tips application (500 PHA).

a.) Democracy Referenda

This referendum is proposed by Bluemountain Labs, which aims to get compensation for the issue500 affected accounts, obtaining 5% of the staking income compensation of the abnormally locked amount in total.

#17 referenda

b.) Treasury Bounties Application

  • #4 bounty: Phala Network Demand-End Tokenomic Design (120,000 PHA)
  • #5 bounty: Phala Darkpool Exchange (50,300 PHA)

c.) Treasury Tips Application

Brazilian user Paulo Zago applied for 500 PHA to reward his work — a video showing an overview of Phala projects and how to participate in a Crowdloan. Details

Dev Updates


  1. Khala
  • Integrated XCM related pallets #55 #57
  • Fix upstream (Cumulus) WS Error <Capacity>: Reached the limit of the output buffer for the connection. error #907

2. SubQuery & TheGraph

💻Work in progress

  1. Phala & PRuntime
  • Appointed Message: an out-of-order message queue
  • Introducing MQC (Message Queue Chain) for consistency (under testing)

2. Phala App

  • Refactoring Dashboard
  • Refactoring Mining
  • Integrating backend service, better support for reclaiming operations

3. PRB

  • Tuning reliability with feedback of internal stress test
  • Preparing a new public beta release

Community & Ecosystem

  • Communities Stats:
  • Phala World:

a.) Updated official logo

b.) Released story background chapter 2, which unveiled how human society fell into the AI crisis in the pre-Phala world era.

Activities & News

🪧 Coming Up

  • Jan. 19th, 3:15am, CST, Encrypt 2022, Hang Yin, On future Applications of Mainstream Privacy-protecting Techs on Blockchain

🎫 Save your spot:

About Phala

Phala Network tackles the issue of trust in the computation cloud.

By organizing a decentralized network of computation nodes around the world, it offers high-performance services without relying on any cloud vendor. Phala workers run the programs in Secure Enclaves, a privacy technology already embedded into modern processors, enabling versatile and confidential execution. Together, this creates the infrastructure for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

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