Phala 2022 Roadmap Released | Phala Weekly Vol.69

Phala Network
Phala Network


🔥 Phala Crowdloan


  • 746 addresses contributing 327,892 DOT to Phala Crowdloan.

There are 12 ways to contribute to Phala during the second batch of bidding.

Polkadot.js, Parallel, Bifrost, Equilibrium, Subscan, Dotmarketcap, OKEx, AscendEX, Gate, MEXC Global.

Khala Network

👷 Khala Secure Worker Mining

The details of Khala SWM system statistics are below:

🙋 Khala democracy governance

No update yet.

Dev Updates


1. Phala App

  • Updated Mining dashboard
  • Added “Claim All” & “Reclaim All” functions

2. PRB

💻Work in progress

  1. Khala
  • Updating to Polkadot v0.9.16

2. Phala & PRuntime

  • Appointed Message: an out-of-order message queue
  • Introducing MQC (Message Queue Chain) for consistency (under testing)

3. PRB

  • Analysing BlockNumberMismatch problem

Community & Ecosystem

  • Communities Stats:
  • Phala World:

a.) Released the article races’ introduction

b.) Released sketches of PW races

Activities & News

By harnessing the power of TEE technology, blockchain developers will be able to build user-friendly applications, process transactions and build metaverse worlds that are faster, more secure, and more scalable than ever before.

  • On Jan 26th, Subspace Network announced it archived the full history of Khala and will continue to support Khala by permanently storing its blockchain history in real-time. Details
  • Phala published its 2022 roadmap on Jan 30th. Phala will focus on the three major themes of technology, products, and ecosystem.

About Phala

Phala Network tackles the issue of trust in the computation cloud.

By organizing a decentralized network of computation nodes around the world, it offers high-performance services without relying on any cloud vendor. Phala workers run the programs in Secure Enclaves, a privacy technology already embedded into modern processors, enabling versatile and confidential execution. Together, this creates the infrastructure for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

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