Phala Announces Kusama Slot Auction Strategy | Phala Weekly Vol.33

Phala Network
Phala Network


Dev Updates


  1. Merged ChainBridge-based PHA token two-way (ETH <> Phala) bridge


  • Removed old ETH → Phala bridge.

2. Fixed an upstream Subxt issue which blocked miners on PoC 4 testnet;


3. Published refreshed Phala Technical Specification;


4. Added intro for Khala network — the Phala canary network on Kusama — on official site (details published next week);

5. Upgraded to the latest Substrate.

💻Work in progress

  1. Working on cross-chain development with Statemint;
  2. Long-term work:
  • Mining pool systemRuntime Bridge


  • The “StakePad”;
  • Improving computing task mechanisms to work better with parachains;
  • pDiem milestone 4.

Community & Ecosystem

  • Community Stats:
  • To increase the project’s popularity, educate and inspire the broader community, and achieve Phala’s mission of global growth, Phala has launched the Global Ambassador Program. We are now looking for French, German, Vietnamese, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Persian, and Bangladeshi local Ambassadors. We welcome everyone to apply.

Activities & News

  • April 26, Phala received the first contribution to the PC Case modding challenge from Italian fan @Lonherz Armaroli. This is a built-from-scratch PC case, crafted and built by hand using only hand tools. The theme of this case is the cyberworld, with enlightened engravings of circuits, chips, and geometric shapes. Inside the case, there are some other unusual devices: a video projector, an Arduino board, touch and proximity sensors, and a mechanically moved “cyber-torpedo”.
  • April 29, Marvin attended the Privacy on Polkadot, hosted by Zero Knowledge Validator. During this event, Marvin discussed how Phala uses a TEE to guarantee privacy protection.
  • May 4, Phala was invited to attend the 81 episode LIVE of BML, and shared his opinion around the topic of “The Privacy Requirement of Blockchain — Phala’s Polkadot Road”.
  • May 7, Okex released the 1st video of「 Okex ✖️ Polkadot Roundtable 」. As the first guest of this show, Phala’s CEO Marvin and Okex’s CEO Jay talked about PHA’s token utility & economics, Phala & TEE, Polkadot ecosystem, etc..

Coming Soon

  • May 13, Rebase ETH Hackathon, talk

About Phala

Phala Network tackles the issue of trust in the computation cloud.

This blockchain is a trustless computation platform that enables massive cloud processing without sacrificing data confidentiality. Built around TEE-based privacy technology already embedded into modern processors, Phala Network’s distributed computing cloud is versatile and confidential. By separating the consensus mechanism from computation, Phala ensures processing power is highly scalable. Together, this creates the infrastructure for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

As a member parachain of the Polkadot cross-chain ecosystem, Phala will be able to provide computing power to other blockchain applications while protecting the data layer, enabling possibilities like privacy-protected DeFi trading positions and transaction history, co-computing DID confidential data, developing light-node cross-chain bridges, and more.

On-chain services currently being developed on Phala Network include Web3 Analytics: high-performance smart contracts from Phala enable highly concurrent mass data analytics with privacy, paving the way for an alternative to Google Analytics that inherently respects individual confidentiality.

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