Phala Recap of 2021: Highlights & Achievement

Phala Network
Phala Network
Published in
7 min readJan 20, 2022


At the beginning of 2022, it’s a great time to look back and review what Phala has achieved in 2021. We’ve accomplished many exciting things in the last year and we want to share them with everyone.



➤ January |In January, Phala released an article of “Phala: Transparent and Private Global Computation Cloud”.

➤ February|In February, Phala successfully connected to the Polkadot testnet Rococo V1 as a parachain.

➤ March|The 2nd version of testnet race — Vendetta 1605 Miner Race V2 ends. Up to 2,640 TEE Workers online, a 94% increase from V1. Contributed 982,580 computing power to the network, a 120% increase from V1.

In March, Phala won the Parachain Slot Auction on Polkadot Rococo testnet!


➤ April|Phala’s developers were the second most active on Polkadot. The dev team launched the 4th testnet PoC4.

➤ May|Phala Ambassador Program launched. In the beginning, we received 150+ applications, from which 15 outstanding Phamily selected and became our official local ambassadors in 9 languages. They are very active and continuously contributing in the community. Thank you fellow ambassadors for your great effort this year!

In 2022, Phala is still looking for ambassadors who are genuinely interested in us! Sign up now!

➤ June|In June, our main focus was the “THE KUSAMA SLOT AUCTION” Khala launched Crowdloan Dapp, users can stake $KSM, invite friends, observe slot auction data there. 15+ CEX/DEX/wallet supported Khala crowdloan. With the partnership with RMRK, Khala released the 3 kinds of Honor Gems collection for contributors.

To get more supporters, Phala held 2 online AMAs, 2 online airdrop activities, joined 11 online AMAs, 1 meme contest, preaching our bidding strategy to users.


➤ July|July was a month of harvest. After 33 days, Phala finally won the 4th Kusama slot auction as parachain with 132,280 $KSM contributed, and launched Khala Network.

➤ August|Khala started decentralized governance, any big changes of Khala will now be decided by community voting:

  1. removed sudo
  2. Khala democratic governance mechanism went online, Khala officially started democratic governance.
  3. Election of councilors.

➤ September|Khala launched the Secure Workers system officially! We provided 10M $PHA to reward those workers who contributed their CPU computing power.


➤ October|There are a total of 68,030,555 $PHA delegated in the Phala Secure Mining System. ETH<->Khala 2-way bridge launched. It’s the first official Parachain-Ethereum bridge on the Substrate ecosystem!

➤ November|Marvin published Embrace Web 3.0 Era with Metaverse, announcing the exciting new direction for Phala — Phala World. Phala released Fat Contract, a new type of smart contract that focuses on serving Web 3.0 back-end function-level services.

➤ December|On Dec. 25th, Phala officially announced to join the second batch of Polkadot slot auctions, providing a prize pool of 100,000,000 PHA to incentivize all contributors who vote for Phala.



Kusama Slot Auction

Khala Kusama Slot Auction started on June 11th. After 33 days, on July 13th, Phala officially won the 4th Kusama slot as parachain with:

  • 132,280 $KSM contributed
  • contribution from 2,759 addresses.
  • 388 users addresses participated in referral
  • Khala’s slot auction attracted users from 159 countries around the world.
  • ~ 25M $PHA was distributed as rewards.
  • 3,095 honor gem NFTs gave back to supporters
  • Twitter followers number has increased by 112% — from 50,000+ before the auction to over 100,000!
  • The total number of users globally increased by nearly 24,000, which is an increase of 43.7%.
Growth of Khala Slot Auction Contribution

Secure Mining

In July, Phala released its new tokenomics written by Dr. Konstantin Shamruk with the purpose of:

  • Supporting Phala Network’s trustless cloud computing architecture;
  • Incentivize miners to join the network;
  • Application pricing;
  • On-chain performance.

Compared with the previous tokenomics whitepaper, the new one took fairness and availability into consideration.

Since the launch of Secure Mining in Q3, the cumulative number of online miners has reached 21.9k, with an average of 10.3k online workers providing a total of 12 M computing power. The power approximately equals to 80k CPU! The cumulative miner rewards distribution in 2021 was 3.01M $PHA. The peak delegation amount of the stakepool was 68.03m $PHA.

Growth of Khala Miners

Khala Network

Phala’s Canary Network Khala Network connected to the Kusama Parachain in July, and it has been operating steadily for 104 days in 2021.

There are 266M $PHA assets, 13,523 holding accounts, 43M signed extrinsics, and more than 16 network upgrades on Khala in 2021.

Khala Network On-chain Data
Khala Node Location Distribution

Product And Development

The Phala product team completed the research and development tasks well in 2021. The team released Fat Contract and its road map at the end of the year. Before and after the launch of Khala, we have gone through 4 stages, 50+ product & development tasks have been completed.


Phala Community

In 2021, Phamily expanded significantly — — we have more than 84,000 community members by the end of the year and so many different roles have appeared, such as volunteers, ambassadors, thought leaders, Phanatics, Bounty Hunters, big brain etc. Everyone can find a role for themselves in Phamily!

Social Media

Phala mainly operates on 3 platforms: Twitter, Medium, Youtube, all of them have grown significantly!

Marketing & BD

In 2021, Phala formed a close partnership with 20+ key players and explorers in the encryption industry. A total of 79 market events were held. Ah, don’t forget we got a wonderful brand promotion video it shares our vision of replacing tech giants with private clouds and giving us all a better future in Web3.0.

Ecosystem Governance

After Khala Network went online, the Khala governance launched. The team then removed sudo, which means the team won’t take control of Khala. Any on-chain upgrade or update would need to pass democratic governance voting.

Phala Ecosystem

Web3 Analytics|Web3 Analytics enables the analysis of users’ data without sacrificing their privacy. It provides web performance measurement, customized statistics, and data visualization dashboard. With the power of TEE, users’ personal data is kept privately and can only be used when approved by users. As a result, users basically get 100% control of their data.

Phala has completed the system design, user data encryption with Phala’s Fat Contract, and permanent secret data storage.

Developer Program|The Phala ecosystem was BOOMING in 2021. We have met many excellent ecological developers. In the 2021 Decoded Hackathon, a total of 17 entries submitted by 12 participants passed the initial review by the Phala team; there are 4 eye-catching works from the advanced challenge:

Phala WorldPhala World is a Metaverse based on the Phala blockchain. It combines behavior, roles, and community on the Phala blockchain with sci-fi stories. We are also collaborating with RMRK and to develop NFT and Metaverse gaming infrastructure. Phala World will integrate multiple game types such as strategy, development, and MMORPG.

In Closing

In 2021 Phala has achieved a lot of great things and has followed our roadmap step by step. We have faith in our team and community that 2022 will take us to an even better place!

About Phala

Phala Network tackles the issue of trust in the computation cloud.

By organizing a decentralized network of computation nodes around the world, it offers high-performance services without relying on any cloud vendor. Phala workers run the programs in Secure Enclaves, a privacy technology already embedded into modern processors, enabling versatile and confidential execution. Together, this creates the infrastructure for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

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