👩‍💻Walkthrough | How to Upgrade Your Miner to Join the 1605 Race

Phala Network
Phala Network
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2020

Before starting

To upgrade your miner node, it is noted that:

1. If your device is mining, please first stop mining before killing the containers.

2. You will need to re-claim the test tokens, but NO NEED TO re-burn your PHA again.

3. You will need to reset the on-chain miner stash.

4. The 1605 race ranking page will be published soon (like our dev team is typing codes af). The page WILL ONLY SHOWS YOUR payout_targetaccount in the commission setting module. You can bond multiple miner nodes to one payout_targetaccount.

5. The number of your controller accounts should be THE SAME as your miner nodes (say, if you have 20 devices, you should create 20 controller accounts, and each one with a stash account accordingly).

Rules of 1605 Race:

(1/6) Stop Mining

Refer to this tutorial.

(2/6) Reset Docker Containers

Run the commands below to remove cached data. By default, the Phala node data is stored under $HOME/phala-node-data. If the path was changed in registration, please replace it with your path.

  • sudo rm -r $HOME/phala-node-data
  • sudo rm -r $HOME/phala-pruntime-data
  • sudo docker image prune -a

(3/6) Reclaim test tokens

From this step, the following operations are literally the same as when you register a new miner. You may refer to the relevant pages for more details.

There’s no needs to burn more PHA. You can claim test tokens with the TXHash before by following the steps below:

  1. Go to https://etherscan.io/ (or any other Ethereum explorer);
  2. Search your ETH account and find the TXHash of PHA swap before;
  3. Go to https://poc3-swap.phala.network/
  4. Click Claim Tokens, paste the TXHash at the first line, your testnet address at the second line;
  5. Click Click to Claim.

You may also follow these steps if there’s an error when you burn PHA to claim test tokens.

(4/6) Reset Miner Stash

Go to Developer → Extrinsics → choose your Stash account → choose phalaModule → choose SetStash(controller). And click Submit Transaction.

(5/6) Pull and Run New Docker Containers


  • sudo docker pull phalanetwork/phala-poc3-node
  • sudo docker pull phalanetwork/phala-poc3-pruntime
  • sudo docker pull phalanetwork/phala-poc3-phost


  • sudo docker run -ti — rm — name phala-node -d -e NODE_NAME=YOUR_NODE_NAME -p 9933:9933 -p 9944:9944 -p 30333:30333 -v $HOME/phala-node-data:/root/data phalanetwork/phala-poc3-node
  • sudo docker run -d -ti — rm — name phala-pruntime -p 8000:8000 -v $HOME/phala-pruntime-data:/root/data — device /dev/isgx phalanetwork/phala-poc3-pruntime
  • sudo docker run -d -ti — rm — name phala-phost -e PRUNTIME_ENDPOINT=”http://IP-ADDRESS:8000" -e PHALA_NODE_WS_ENDPOINT=”ws://IP-ADDRESS:9944" -e MNEMONIC=”THE-MNEMONIC-OF-YOUR-CONTROLLER” -e EXTRA_OPTS=”-r” phalanetwork/phala-poc3-phost

(6/6) On-chain Operations

To set your mission and miner stash, check miner status, or start mining and check on-chain profits, please refer to the relevant pages on Phala wiki.

