DID + Gamification: Litentry Will Provide Aggregated Decentralized Identity Gateway for Survivors in PhalaWorld

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3 min readApr 8, 2022

Phala World is the first NFT system that fully implements the Soulbound theory and creates the ‘Play to Build’ (P2B) metaverse game mode, a brand-new concept based on the Phala Network Blockchain. Instead of P2E, P2B is a type of metaverse game that brings traditional communities into the metaverse and encourages players to play to build.

In Phala, we believe culture is the key to hosting an active community. Instead of just using social media like Twitter, Discord, Telegram, etc., we prefer to link the community together into the metaverse. Meanwhile, roles that users play in the metaverse are based on cultural consensus, so users’ playing activities actually will be contributing to the project. Also, communities’ contribution values (CV) in PhalaWorld will be transferred into their performance of Spirit NFT. The higher the level is, the greater the advantage users enjoy. CV is evaluated with users’ previous behaviors on Web2.0 service platforms such as social media and discord community, as well as their Web3.0 behavior data on multiple chains. These data are aggregated as the user’s decentralized identity.

MCP, the Most Suitable Decentralized Identity Solution for PhalaWorld

Web3 aggregated identities, formed by a series of personal data extracted from various databases such as blockchains, decentralized storage systems, and centralized platforms, refer to digital profiles with verifiable ownerships and personal representation.

My Crypto Profile (MCP), the PoC application of aggregated identity developed by the Litentry team, is a decentralized Web3 personal data management tool designed for users to aggregate and manage their personal data in both Web2.0 services & Web3.0 blockchains and decentralized storage systems. With MCP, users are enabled to provide data access to 3rd party dApps to maximize personal identity value without compromising privacy & anonymity.

Starting the game, users will be directed from the PhalaWorld registration page to MCP to generate their aggregated identities, which will be injected into their Spirits later in the game. Required entries, including Phala Network, Khala Network, Polkadot, Discord, Github and others are listed in the users’ PhalaWorld system. After registration and becoming a survivor, users can check their injections and add, delete, update and maintain their given entries on MCP at any time.

How Phala World leverages aggregated identity through MCP

MCP users could expect their aggregated decentralized identities to be used for more and more Web3.0 Products and Services (PnS) in the near future. Users’ profile with the privacy-preserved aggregated data that shows the participation history in the web3.0 world is under preparation for the MCP Version 2 product as well.

More details will be released before the MCP system opens on the Phala World platform.

About Phala World

Phala World is a gamification extension to bring blockchain and Dapp into the metaverse based on Phala Network. By creating a SoulBound NFT system, Phala World mapped on-chain / off-chain activities into the metaverse games (‘Play to build ’(P2B) model). Phala World’s story begins after the first nuclear war. There are 8888 survivors in total, including 4 species (Cyborg/AI-Spectre/Pandroid/X-Gene)and 5 careers.

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About My Crypto Profile

My Crypto Profile (MCP) is a decentralized Web3 identity management layer designed for users to aggregate and manage their personal data among blockchains and decentralized storage systems and provide data access to 3rd party dApps to maximize personal identity value without compromising privacy & anonymity.

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PhalaWorld is a digital representation of your progression on the Phala Network.