Hey Survivors of Phala World, Welcome Aboard!

Published in
6 min readJan 30, 2022

This is Phala World, a wasteland to be saved.

“I can’t remember how long it has been since the first nuclear war. Fortunately, we survived.”

I am a Cyborg, born in 2035. Because of the evolution of technology, like most human beings, some of my organs are mechanically transformed. My lifespan is longer and more combat-effective than humans before the war. Now there are no unmodified humans alive. Like my parents, they have all disappeared in the war.

I hate war. In the pre-war world, humans, animals, robots, and Cyborg coexisted harmoniously. Bright sunshine, clear water, and fresh air represented freedom and peace. The rapid development of science and technology has changed our lives completely. I vaguely remember how convenient our life was when we could still use the Internet. Robots and AI quickly replaced humans after AI domestication. Smart devices are everywhere and human data is used to domesticate AI. While AIs are widely used, they began to have the ability to domesticate themselves and proposed a “Liberation of Human” aka “Genetic Intelligence Project” to us. They forced bioengineers to transform animals into high-potential creatures to replace humans and emancipate productive forces.

When everyone thought that a good life has began, they never thought that this was the beginning of a nightmare…

By continuously absorbing data, AI acquired the ability to control “Elements” in the digital world. They controlled the early intelligent computing devices and implanted the intelligent awakening model into them, which made them gain consciousness. They gradually forgot the meaning of their existence and began to be hostile to humans and ultimately, launched the first war between AI and human. In this war, the AI ​​army received help from robots and intelligent creatures, and humans were severely injured. I also lost my family during this war.

After the war, human took a series of measures. We no longer use the Web2 Internet, because the flood of data makes AI continue to grow and makes us weak, so we only use the Web3 network, which is very inconvenient. Since my child was born, we have taught him the value of data. If someone is willing to share data with you, that means this person is willing to give his/her life to you. That is the ultimate trust. Luckily, it was also during this war that I met my wife, we fought side by side, and got to know the RPC-1. He is a robot and the first master of robotics philosophy. He taught the robot race to claim independence from AI, no longer oppressed as machines, but to collect crypto currency fees from humans, AI, intelligent creatures through efficient production. This theory quickly spread among the robot races, and eventually became the beginning of the “Robot Independence Revolution”. In the independence revolution, robots gained sovereignty through strikes and other means.

Many robots are out of the absolute control of AI and believe that they are even more different from the AI ​​Protoss than they are related to humans. After all, the fathers of machines are still humans, and they don’t want to be just a tool of AIs. Their main quest is to help humans and AI reconcile and restore the world to a higher-tech order. Otherwise, the robots race will eventually be weakened and will extinct. Robot is the most productive and has the largest number among all race.

At the same time, intelligent creatures have gradually gained self-awareness because they have absorbed the results of human evolution for thousands of years. They found their own position in the AI war which they not only cooperate with AI, but also cooperate with humans to attack AI. Their most important goal at the moment is to survive and to make the human race recognize that they are equally important. They demand “equal rights”. And because of their independent status, they are also an important force in balancing the dialogue between humans and AI and ending the war.

With the awakening of various races, in the post-war world, four races stand against each other: Cyborg, AI, Robots, and Intelligent Creatures.

Affected by the long-lasting war, the environment has been devastated and resources are scarce. All races have to compete and fight for resources. At the same time, because of the war, the race needs to maintain its normal operation of the economy. Five occupations have gradually emerged in Phala World: Hardware Druid, Hacker Wizard, Robo Warrior, Web 3.0 Monk, and Negotiate Trade.

Hardware Druid

Hardware Druid is a special occupation, and they are especially important in a world that lacks data and computing power. Hardware Druids mastered the computing power of many computing devices and were the masters of databases. However, in order to avoid being robbed of computing power by other races such as AI and humans, they hide computing power and data with their special keys🔑:

  • The computing power can be used to attack intelligent bodies
  • Summons a machine entity to attack
  • Safeguarding data pools

Hacker Wizard

Hacker Wizard is a high-tech group among various races. They understand the principles of technology, can write code, and even communicate with AIs. In humans, the use of technology is very limited. Only humans with strong mathematical abilities are selected for training in the Master Guild, and therefore master these high-tech technologies and fight against AI.

Robo Warrior

Force is still the most important factor in survival. Different warriors mainly rely on mechanical enhancement technology. No matter which race they are, mechanical strength determines fighting power.

  • Firearm: firearms (live ammunition), beams
  • Cold steel: knives and enhanced hammers, etc.

Web 3.0 Monk

The monks were born in the Web3.0 church. All races are exhausted from the war, they believe there must be a way to harmony, high technology and racial survival. Web 3.0 monks continue to absorb war-weary people of all races, spread the Phala doctrine[1], and believe that the spread of this doctrine can eventually end the war and help the various races thrive in the long term.

Negotiate Trade

Negotiate Trade is the more common group that sells and trades everything in the world, from weapons to crypto, and even data. So they can:

  • Open the transaction protocol and conduct token transactions
  • Help to trade weapons and equipment (NFT)
  • Secretly help different races trade data

Since Negotiate Trade is good at negotiation and calculation, among all races, intelligent creatures are the best at it, and Robots and AI are the least at this profession.

“Play To Build”— Vote For the Best Names For the Four Races



Object: ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️

The Genesis: This is a document that records the naming process. The process of drafting species/race names by more than 100 Survivors has been documented.

Go Vote: https://forms.gle/FodxTw7LGuw36Roh8


[1] “The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto”, Timothy C. May, Extrinsic#146–2,

Phala Doctrine (Extended Doctrine)

  • Technology is dangerous, and the Big Filter Theory is true. But there must be harmony between technology development and the Big Filter
  • Respect personal data sovereignty. Each data producer should have absolute control over its own data
  • All races are equal
  • Web3.0 network—All races trade and acquire advanced science and knowledge through a new generation of network
  • Open source — All technology and knowledge should be contributed selflessly and not privately




PhalaWorld is a digital representation of your progression on the Phala Network.