PhalaWorld NFT Mint Countdown! Here is All You Need To Know…

Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2022

Dear Survivors:

I am RPC-100. As a veteran, I will guide you into PhalaWorld.

We are excited to share the news with you: PhalaWorld will open its website for registration soon and start minting Shell NFT!

In this article, we will explain the issues that users are most concerned about- e.g. mint rules, mint process, mint price, and whitelist query method etc.

1. Sales process

Due to PhalaWorld’s multi-NFT system, our mint process is slightly more complicated than other PFP-type NFTs. Users must claim a Spirit NFT before minting a Shell NFT. Only one Spirit can be claimed for free as long as the address is valid. This step is similar to pre-registration. The address holding Spirit will be eligible to mint Shell after minting is open.

The condition for claiming spirit is that your attribute data is greater than 0. The easiest way to meet the standard is keeping K-PHA balance greater than 10.

2. Sales Rules

PhalaWorld Shell NFT consists of 8,888 unique genesis Shells in total, divided into three rarities.

  • Legendary is the rarest, with a total of 8 pieces. 4 pieces will be released through public-mint, and the remaining 4 are reserved for Phala’s long-term partners.
  • Magic is the second rarity level, with a total of 80 pieces. 40 pieces will be released through public-mint, and the remaining 40 pieces will be reserved for Phala’s long-term partners.
  • Prime Edition is the third rarity level, with a total of 8,800 pieces.8,600 pieces will be released through whitelist-mint and public-mint, and the remaining 200 pieces will be reserved for future community operations and marketing. We will start whitelist-mint first and the unsold ones are merged into public-mint after whitelist-mint ends. One address can only prepay for one Shell. If Shells haven’t been sold out on the last day of advanced payment, we will open the option of purchasing unlimited Shells with one address.

3. Mint price

The three levels of NFT will be sold at different fixed prices.

4. Whitelist sales

We gave out whitelists through community activities and partnerships. Addresses that have obtained whitelist qualifications will be able to mint Shells in the whitelist-mint stage before public-mint and choose your preferred species first. A whitelist is guaranteed to get a Shell without going through a rush or raffle.

After Claim Spirit section is opened, you can check whether you are eligible for the whitelist on the Spirit page after connecting your wallet. One address is only qualified for one whitelist. If you submit the same address in different whitelist activities, it will be counted as one address.

The above are details of sales for PhalaWorld Shell NFTs. If you have any questions, please join PhalaWorld Discord and our best Mods will help you out!

About Phala World

Phala World is a gamification extension to bring blockchain and Dapp into the metaverse based on Phala Network. By creating a SoulBound NFT system, Phala World mapped on-chain / off-chain activities into the metaverse games (‘Play to build ’(P2B) model). Phala World’s story begins after the first nuclear war. There are 8888 survivors in total, including 4 species (Cyborg/AI-Spectre/Pandroid/X-Gene)and 5 careers.

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PhalaWorld is a digital representation of your progression on the Phala Network.