PhalaWorld’s Spirit NFT Free Mint Starts Now!

Gamifying the Meta-Soul

4 min readJun 21, 2022


“They say money talks, and that’s normally true. But at Phala we don’t believe everything is about money. We’re with Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin on these lines: “There’s a lot of unexplored opportunities in trying to go beyond financialization. Making more items in the crypto space ‘soulbound’ can be one path towards an alternative, where NFTs can represent much more of who you are and not just what you can afford.”

Dear Survivors,

The Soulbound NFT in PhalaWorld — Spirit NFT just launched and opened Free Mint

Try it now ➡️

Follow this guide and claim your own Spirit! ➡️

🧠 What is Spirit NFT?

PhalaWorld is the gamification layer on the Phala Network. Our vision is to connects players’ behaviors in the game with real life, where they can translate their skills and love of gaming into verifiable assets.

Spirit is a non-transferable NFT generated with survivors‘ unique on-chain identities, which are coupled with the decentralized identity protocol My Crypto Profile. Spirit links PhalaWorld to the virtual world via fat contract, encoding a player’s accruing values based on their on-chain/ off-chain behaviors. What’s more, Spirit NFTs cannot be transferred, they’re soulbound. We want to walk back the concept of MMORPGs to a place where rewards are earned and retained.

On-chain behaviors include mining, staking, coding etc. Collaborative social behaviors, such as Twitter interaction or making contributions to the Phala community are also valuable. And these positive behaviors can all be rewarded both in-game and off-chain. You can be a hero in Web3, and it’s also true in real life!

Moreover, multiple accounts for different purposes could be aggregated into one DID by which the attributes could also be aggregated.

Find which behaviors are mapped in Spirit:

⭐️ What you can experience in this current released version is

— Connect account to PhalaWorld via polkadot wallet.

— Generate the on-chain identity(DID) on My Crypto Profile.

— Aggregate/remove multiple accounts in one DID.

— Convert behavior data into PhalaWorld Spirit attribute.

— Update attribute when you have more actions in your DID.

— Free mint a Spirit NFT on-chain.

— Check whether your account is whitelisted.

— Experience the process of minting a Shell in advance, choose your favorite species and career.

🤩 What about the whitelist information?

For whitelisted survivors: if you have gotten a whitelist from the previous community events, you can see there is a “whitelisted” tag in your Spirit..

For the holder of these incredible NFTs in the snapshots, include Kanaria, Kusama Kings & Kusama Queens, ChaosDAO banner, Phala PolkaPets, PhalaPills, you can still get whitelisted by claiming a Spirit!


🦾 What are we expecting?

This earliest Soulbound use case is really exciting, but we don’t see it as being just about contribution within PhalaWorld. We’re entering this exciting and mind-blowing phase of Web3 where everyone will play their part. For two reasons: one is that blockchain and the metaverse continue to scale and succeed; and also we all gain maximum benefit from that. This whole thing should be collaborative and fun, not a cut-throat marketplace. And while we’re building, developing, creating, or gaming we’re adding value to our shared worlds, whichever platform we’ve chosen.

Within PhalaWorld those contributions will certainly be recorded permanently and rewarded regularly. They won’t be traded or lost.

We value your support at PhalaWorld. If you have any feedback, please submit them here:

About PhalaWorld

PhalaWorld is a gamification extension to bring blockchain and Dapp into the metaverse based on Phala Network. By creating a SoulBound NFT system, PhalaWorld mapped on-chain/off-chain activities into the metaverse games. PhalaWorld’s story begins after the first nuclear war. There are 8888 survivors in total, including 4 species (Cyborg/AI-Spectre/Pandroid/X-Gene)and 5 careers.

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PhalaWorld is a digital representation of your progression on the Phala Network.