Spirit — The Soulbound NFT in PhalaWorld

Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2022
Spirit in PhalaWorld

​Have you ever thought: What exactly determines your value in the Web3.0 world?

Dear Survivors,

I’m your loyal RPC-100. This article will explain everything about Spirit NFT in details.

We integrated the Soulbound concept in PhalaWorld and created Spirit NFT🧠. Your Spirit will determine how you survive in this broken world.

Spirit is a non-transferable NFT generated with Survivors‘ unique on-chain identities, which are coupled with a Decentralized Identity protocol called My Crypto Profile(supported by Litentry).

Why do we need Spirit NFT?

In the Web 3.0 world, what represents a person’s achievement? It’s not how much money you own, it’s what you have built.

Vitalik Buterin published the “Soulbound” and emphasized the concept of “proof of attendance” derived from World of Warcraft. Players need to conduct certain behaviors to acquire the most powerful Soulbound items, rather than simply buying them with money. We agree with this idea, and believe that PhalaWorld should integrate the same Soulbound concept. User behavior is a very valuable asset in Web 3.0, which can even represent a user in the Metaverse. Therefore in PhalaWorld, we designed Spirit NFT to represent much more of who you are, not just what you can afford.

What is Spirit NFT?

Spirit NFT is a Soulbound concept NFT in PhalaWorld. Each user can claim a free-mint Spirit at any time, the only condition being that users must have contributed in Phala (with attributes above 0).

Users can only upgrade their Spirit by contributing to the Phala community constantly or taking part in the Phala ecosystem. Users can find ways to level up their Spirit in the next article in the Spirit NFT series. There is no way for users to obtain attribute enhancements through ordinary purchases.

The Spirit is non-transferable, and one user can only claim one Spirit, meaning this Spirit will accompany the user throughout their entire PhalaWorld experience. One Spirit can equip different Shells however, similar to how a person can change his/her clothes.

Careers & Your Attributes

In PhalaWorld, there are four unique attributes and five different careers. The attribute value is stored in Spirit, and user’s different behaviors determine the value of these attributes. The distribution of different attributes determines which career the user is the best suited for. Users can choose the most suitable career according to the system’s recommendation when minting their Shell, and different careers will also be reflected in the appearance of their Shell.

Once a career is selected, it cannot be changed. User have to get a new Shell if they want to try another career.

Spirit Attributes

Spirit has a unique mechanism for attributes and growth. This wiki article will explain the numerical conversion of attributes. In PhalaWorld, each behavior corresponds to different attributes, and executing different behaviors will add points to different attributes. PhalaWorld will show the best matches between the user’s attributes and different careers.


​How to inject data into Spirit?

User data has been acquired using a cooperation with My Crypto Profile (MCP) project, the PoC application of aggregated identity developed by the Litentry team. MCP is a decentralized Web3 personal data management tool designed for users to aggregate and manage their personal data in both Web 2.0 services & Web 3.0 blockchains and decentralized storage systems.​

​Starting the claim, users will be directed from the PhalaWorld registration page to MCP to link accounts and generate their aggregated on-chain identities, which will be injected into Spirits. Required entries, including Phala Network, Khala Network, Polkadot, Discord, Github, Twitter, etc. are listed in users’ PhalaWorld page. After registration and officially becoming a survivor, users can check their injections and add, delete, update, and maintain their given entries on MCP at any time.

My Crypto Profile

More than one decentralized account can be aggregated in one DID. The more accounts you link, the more three-dimensional and fuller users’ images appear, and the higher level users’ Spirits will achieve. When multiple accounts are linked, PhalaWorld will automatically select the best value of the same action to inject into the Spirit.​​​

What is Phala World?

Phala World is the first NFT system to fully implement Soulbound theory, creating a brand new concept ‘Play to Build ’(P2B) Metaverse game mode based on Phala Network blockchain. P2B combines user behavior, character, communities, and sci-fi stories, integrating strategy, development, MMORPG, and other game types.

Phala World’s story begins after the first nuclear war. There are 8,888 survivors in total, including 4 species(Cyborg/AI-Spectre/Pandroid/X-Gene)and 5 careers. Each specie has its own NFT seal system. Survivors can use complete NFTs to enter into Phala World and create their own stories, earning and trading.




PhalaWorld is a digital representation of your progression on the Phala Network.