I want to hire a Dungeon Sysop

Michael J.J. Tiffany
Phantasmagorical Adventures
2 min readAug 12, 2020

The Dungeon Sysop collaborates with the Dungeon Master to prepare the Virtual Tabletop each week in advance of the gaming session.

In the beginning, we will be working together on this campaign — https://www.dndbeyond.com/campaigns/1277583 — set in the world of Eberron. I have purchased the Legendary Bundle and the Master tier subscription to unlock all the D&D Beyond content.

I am imagining two phases of this project — setup and ongoing — as well as an optional writing component.


For the setup phase, I want an opinionated configuration of the world in Foundry VTT (hosted at The Forge). In your informed opinion, what modules and configuration lead to the best player and DM experience? Assume everyone is videconferencing via Zoom with a second screen running Chrome for the virtual tabletop. Our playing style is heavy on roleplay and creativity in the face of puzzles. The players will certainly get into fights, but it’s not the main focus, so streamlining fight mechanics would be great.


For the ongoing phase, I’m imagining we touch base once a week on Discord or Zoom to scope out what the next session is expected to need in scenes. Are the maps ready to go, with the lighting working right? The monster the party is expected to face has a legendary action… can it be made into a macro? That’s the kind of prep needed. I’m expecting that we port adventures that I’ve already bought on D&D Beyond, but I like the Foundry VTT community and I’m happy to add Patreon patronage to great map and adventure creators publishing ready-to-go content that saves prep time. Naturally, the scope of work each week critically depends on how many scenes the party gets through each week, which we’ll just have to feel our way through the first few weeks. Expect the gaming sessions to run 2–3 hours.

Sharing with the world about how you did all this

What’s that about optional writing? Foundry VTT is a powerful platform. One of the things that makes powerful platforms hard to learn is that powerful platforms, by definition, offer a lot of choices. But beginners often learn faster when they can start with a linear learning path that doesn’t branch too much at first. So, I think we can help the community by documenting our setup with opinions and explanations. For this use case, which modules should be installed out of the box and why? Exactly how did we port over a D&D Beyond adventure? How about a community-created adventure that we lightly Eberronified? This is walkthrough style documentation: beginning to end for a particular use case, with a particular style. This could be published to this blog, your blog, the Foundry VTT forums, or crossposted to all three. This is not a requirement, but I would pay more for it.

