Ecto — Phantasma-Neo Swap Tutorial

The Writer's Lounge
6 min readMar 12, 2021

Welcome to the Phantasma cross chain asset swapping tutorials. These tutorials will guide you step by step through every detail necessary to ensure a successful cross chain asset swap using our wallets Poltergeist and Ecto.

Mind that if you do not have a Phantasma wallet or wallet address yet, we recommend starting out by downloading the wallet of your choice — Poltergeist for a standalone desktop wallet application that’s also available for Android, or our browser extension wallet Ecto which has that familiar Metamask feeling for Ethereum users. For a quick guide on wallet creation, backing up private keys and other basic things, check out the Poltergeist Basics tutorial or the Ecto Basics tutorial.

Ecto wallet: Phantasma — Neo Swaps

1 — Prepare for token swaps

1.1 Phantasma wallet

You will first see your Phantasma wallet. Click Assets to see your current balance. If this is your first time creating a wallet, you will find that there are no funds to show yet; all will be empty.

Ecto wallet balances, empty wallet

1.2 Swap assets Neo — Phantasma

The Ecto wallet provides you with a Neo wallet in the account you have created in the first step. You will need to have funds in your Neo wallet to prepare for the token swap. Phantasma requires at least 0.0011 of the Neo $GAS token to be sent to your Neo wallet to perform the token swap to Phantasma. You can access your Neo wallet by clicking Swaps > Swap from Neo. Please do so in this step.

Ecto’s cross chain swap tab

1.3 Send tokens to the Neo wallet

In case you don’t have any tokens in your Neo wallet yet, you will need to send Neo SOUL tokens to the Neo Wallet (address begins with “A”) and also a drop of Neo $GAS. Make sure you are in the Neo wallet and send tokens from your usual Neo wallet (or Kucoin) to this address.

To acquire tokens you can go and purchase the Neo version (NEP5) of SOUL from KuCoin. Send your SOUL tokens to your wallet and remember that each chain’s address begins with a different character:

  • NEO addresses begin with “A…”.
  • Phantasma addresses begin with “P…”.
  • Ethereum addresses begin with “0x…”.

NOTE: Be absolutely sure to send some Neo $GAS to this wallet, as it is required to hold at least 0.0011 GAS in the Neo wallet to perform the token swap.

Choose which chain to swap from and to

2 — Perform Swap

2.1 Click swap and Enter SOUL amount

After performing all of the steps above and you have funds in your Neo wallet, you can now transfer your Neo SOUL to the Phantasma wallet. Remember that you need some Neo GAS for the swap to work.

When you find yourself at the screen above in step 1.3, click swap on the asset you wish to swap. In this case we are swapping Neo SOUL into Phantasma SOUL. You will then be asked how many SOUL you want to swap.

You can now enter the amount of SOUL tokens you want to swap. If your goal is to stake and become a Soul Master (stake 50k SOUL) but you don’t have any KCAL in your Phantasma wallet yet, be sure to send 1 extra SOUL.

Press Next after you have entered the amount of SOUL you want to swap.

Select amount to swap

2.2 Authorize transaction

You will need to authorize all transactions in the wallet with your password. Enter your password here and click Sign TX in order to proceed with the swap.

Input your password to authorize the transaction

2.3 Wait for the swap to complete.

NOTE: it might take a few minutes for your SOUL to show up. Nothing to worry about; a simple Refresh should do the trick. The Refresh button is the circular arrow located at the very bottom of the wallet UI.

Neo-Pha swaps complete quickly

2.4 Claim your pending swap

When you get the Pending Swaps notification, your Neo SOUL has been successfully swapped to Phantasma SOUL in your Phantasma wallet! Click on the Claim button in order to receive your swapped SOUL that’s currently pending.

Swaps show as pending

2.5 Check your updated asset balances

Congrats! You have now completed the swap from Neo SOUL to Phantasma SOUL! You can now find your Phantasma SOUL in your wallet, ready to be staked! To check your Phantasma SOUL balance click Assets.

Ecto wallet balances

3 — Swapping from Phantasma to Neo

3.1 — You need Neo GAS.

If you want to swap back from Phantasma SOUL to Neo SOUL, you must have at least 0.1 Neo GAS in your Phantasma wallet. Otherwise, the swap will not work. You can swap GAS from your Neo wallet to your Phantasma wallet, exactly like you swapped your Neo SOUL to Phantasma SOUL. Perform the steps in section 2, but choose GAS instead of SOUL.

3.2 — Swap assets Phantasma — Neo

If you read step 3.1 and acted accordingly, you should now have some Neo GAS in your Phantasma wallet. Remember that the swap will fail if you do not have GAS.

In order to perform the swap from Phantasma SOUL to Neo SOUL, click Swaps > Swap to Neo

Swapping from Phantasma to Neo

3.3 — Select an asset

In this step, you need to select which asset you want to swap. In our case we are swapping Phantasma SOUL back to Neo SOUL. Click the swap button that correlates to SOUL.

Select asset to swap across chains

3.4 — Enter SOUL amount

Enter the amount of SOUL you want to swap and click Next.

Input the amount to swap

3.5 Authorize transaction

You will need to authorize all transactions in the wallet with your password. Enter your password here and click Sign TX in order to proceed with the swap.

Input your password to authorize the transaction

3.6 Wait for the swap to complete.

Pha-Neo swaps complete quickly

3.7 Claim your pending swap

When you get the Pending Swaps notification, your Phantasma SOUL has been successfully swapped to Neo SOUL in your Neo wallet! Click on the Claim button in order to receive your swapped SOUL that’s currently pending.

Pending swaps that can be claimed.

3.8 Check your updated asset balances

Congrats! You have now completed the swap from Phantasma SOUL to Neo SOUL! You can verify the transaction in the Activity tab.

Ecto’s transaction history tab

5 — On-demand support, 24/7

If you have questions or need technical support please join our Telegram community.

Happy swapping!

The Phantasma Team



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