Main Net Launch!

6 min readOct 10, 2019

Dear Souldiers,

In May 2018, Phantasma conducted its ICO. In the same year we have released multiple dApps and software: Nacho Men, an eMail MVP on blockchain and the Phantasma testnet & SDK. We have come a long way since then. Today is the day you have all been waiting for. The Phantasma team is very proud to officially announce the launch of our main net. Users can swap NEP5 SOUL token to the native SOUL coin to stake SOUL and enjoy all the benefits of our utility coin. The main net launch comes packed with many features, with more features, dApps and games in development to be announced later! If you have missed out the information about tokenomics, block producers or the staking benefits: click here for the tokenomics.

Tokenswap & Staking

Before you can enjoy the benefits of the main net, you have to swap your NEP5 SOUL to native SOUL coins. We have secretly been working on a new Phantasma wallet in which the tokenswap is performed: Poltergeist (download links: Windows, Android, Linus, Mac). Swapbacks from Phantasma Chain to NEO chain is also available within Poltergeist. During any tokenswap it is mandatory to hold a little bit of GAS in the wallet. Note that any SOUL on exchanges is the unswapped NEP5 SOUL which is deployed on the NEO blockchain, do not send native SOUL coins to exchanges! Do not send NEP5 SOUL from exchanges directly to a Phantasma address starting with ‘’P’’, you can however send it to the NEO address in Poltergeist starting with ‘’A’’.

The initial tokenswap supported blockchain is NEO, with Ethereum soon after, followed by Ontology & EOS. After EOS we will be scouting for good dApps on other blockchains to add support of those.

Staking to become a SOUL Master or to generate Phantasma Energy (KCAL) can both be done within Poltergeist (and in the soon to be released Phantom Wallet). Staking grants the user many benefits besides the KCAL and SOUL Master rewards, such as voting power and more!

Our partners have published showcase examples on how the tokenswap & staking is performed within Poltergeist. (Click here for the tutorials: Video, Written Tutorial) So swap your tokens, stake your SOUL and become a SOUL Master to receive monthly SOUL and/or generate daily KCAL!

SOUL Masters

Everybody who has accumulated 50,000 SOUL can become a SOUL Master by staking 50,000 SOUL, SOUL has to be remained staked for the Soul Master status. A total of 125,000 SOUL is to be distributed monthly & equally over all SOUL Masters for a total of 4 years. The SOUL has to be staked before the month starts to receive the rewards for that specific month. e.g. a person is eligible for the December rewards if that person stakes 50,000 SOUL between November 1st and November 30th. One will not be eligible for December rewards if that person stakes the SOUL between December 1st and December 31st.

Block Producers

Our blockchain is launching with a minimum viable amount of active block producers, while we have selected and will gradually increase the active BPs to 10 and standby BPs to 15 to further improve decentralization. This process is hard coded and it is therefore only possible to manually select BPs to be added up until the initial 25 BPs are installed, whereafter the BP selection process will go through the Sustainable Energy System. We have opted to not install all 25 BPs from day one for it result into faster iteration as we need to constantly monitor and patch it according to mainnet usage. Another reason is that communicating with our partners and setting up the BPs takes a lot of time and we do not wish to let our community wait any longer. The full list of all our Block Producers will be released soon.

Storage Solution

Phantasma Storage allows users to upload files to Phantasma’s blockchain, which is similar to Google Drive. However, Google stores their data within their own centralized systems, while Phantasma Storage allows a fully distributed and therefore decentralized storage network. The files can be read by smart contracts, which unlocks a new method of storing and accessing the files within the storage network that no blockchain can provide up until Phantasma Chain. Phantasma Storage can be used by developers to store their dApp data or to build their own storage dApps on. By staking SOUL, users receive free MBs of data as storage in return. The Storage dApp will be launching at a later stage, while the storage solution is already available for developers.


The input of external information is sometimes still required. Phantasma Chain needs a correct & reliable source of information to connect off-chain feeds to smart contracts, this is why Phantasma has built their very own oracle support! Phantasma oracles allow smart contracts to read real world data and use it to fuel on-chain logic and calculations, while directly reducing the workload of the blockchain. The Phantasma built-in oracle is already being utilized for the Cosmic Swaps!

Cosmic Swaps

Cosmic swaps is a feature designed by the Phantasma team to allow automatic token conversions. Developers can build their own exchange front-end, while the backend is connected directly with Phantasma which allows sharing of liquidity, orders and pairs with every exchange using the system. KCAL is the first supported token for Cosmic Swaps to swap back and forth between SOUL & KCAL and GAS & KCAL. The Cosmic Swaps feature is already being utilized within Poltergeist (and soon within Phantom Wallet).

Phantasma App

The Phantasma app will be one of the most advanced and user-friendly way for people to connect their daily used applications with blockchain. Although the app is designed to fulfill all purposes, we focus on 3 categories within the Phantasma: communication (chat, social media, email etc.), entertainment (gaming, casinos etc.) and marketplace (eCommerce, NFT marketplace etc).

As communicated before, the Phantasma app will not go live upon main net launch yet. Since we have released Poltergeist we have more time to improve the experience for the users of Phantasma app and add additional features. Click for a proof of concept of Phantasma app.

Phantasma will support the best dApps from all the best blockchains. This also includes a marketplace for NFTs from all different kind of blockchains. This is all possible with the cosmic swaps within the platform. Both the NFT marketplace and cosmic swaps exchange liquidity are already live in the back-end and ready to be adopted by developers. All will be available within Phantasma app once fully launched.

More To Come & Thank You!

The Phantasma team is proud to have developed and prepared all those featured for launch day. We do not stop developing cool dApps and features, such as Nacho Men and the Onchain Governance System. Nacho Men 2.0 is launching soon & Phantasma App is in development to improve the user experience, while more features, games and dApps are in development by third parties and by the Phantasma team. We have contact with multiple developers who are looking into integrating their (d)Apps with Phantasma Chain.

We would like use this moment to thank all Souldiers for their patience and support, you are the driving force behind our motivation. The main net launch is just a single milestone of what is ahead of us. It is time to become a SOUL Master!

More info about Phantasma Chain



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