Next Level Gaming Is Here!

4 min readApr 18, 2020

Dear Souldiers,

As part of Phantasma’s efforts to construct a feature and content rich ecosystem, we are proud to share with you a release that will help take blockchain enabled gaming mainstream in a major way!

Phantasma’s partner GOATi (Greatest of All Time Interactive), creators of the real time strategy racing game 22 Racing Series, has proudly released the first version of Pavillion, their hub for connecting blockchain enabled games with the major games ecosystem Steam.

Through Pavillion, any blockchain enabled game utilizing the power of Phantasma for their blockchain features can easily make the connection between their on chain assets and the Steam platform. First out of the gate is naturally GOATi’s own creation 22 Racing Series — and from the very first day of launch gamers can connect their Phantasma wallets holding the tradable NFT game license to Pavillion, instantly unlocking their 22RS game download.

Pavillion — Unlocking the era of blockchain enabled mainstream gaming!

Pavillion will initially be launching with the bare minimum features necessary to utilize the game license NFTs, later to be heavily built out. Among the planned features are (of course) more games such as the upcoming Blockboi by ChainChanged along with other PhantomForce dev creations and indie games. The API will be opened up to other developers by GOATi shortly. Phantasma’s built in chat, storage and email solutions are also planned for integration into Pavillion to strengthen the community building and communications aspects of Pavillion.

The connection between Pavillion and Steam will support a “Log in via Steam” option once finished. This will allow anyone with a Steam account to log in with no friction, at the same time creating a Phantasma wallet for them that will automatically be linked to their Steam account, allowing Steam users to utilize Phantasma NFTs inside their Steam games. Another technical possibility being considered is enabling swapping of items between Phantasma NFTs and Steam Inventory Service items, which would make the items show up in the user’s steam inventory and be tradable on the Steam marketplace.

Pavillion — Extending Steam functionality by connecting the Steam gaming platform with the Phantasma blockchain ecosystem

Now, to all those of you who have yet to acquire their 22 Racing Series game licenses; head over to the 22RS website to get started — for full instructions on how to create wallets, buy game licenses and more, check out the written and video tutorials — and to chat with other gamers, be sure to head over to the 22 Racing Series Discord!

To get started with Pavillion, check out the picture presentation below;

The Pavillion website, where you can download the Pavillion Hub
Pavillion home screen, hit [continue] to read the short (and useful) tutorial)
This beta version requires an existing Phantasma wallet (until “Log in with Steam” arrives)
Easy instructions to extract your WIF (private key) from a Phantasma wallet to connect with Pavillion
On first launch you bind your wallet and password protect it, on later launches you simply unlock it with your password
Binding your wallet naturally requires your private key — set a strong password to protect your account
After that, every time you launch Pavillion you simply click the padlock and unlock your wallet with your chosen password
Pavillion store view where you can browse available games
Switching to library view loads your available games — On first run you can download & install your game through Pavillion — and get your controller ready!

After downloading the game, simply hit the [Play] button and prepare to be amazed by a future physics racer that’s unlike any racing game you’ve ever played! And try not to fly off the tracks at 1000kmph, that never ended well for anybody :)

Happy gaming!


GOATi Website:

22 Racing Series Website:

22 Racing Series Game Shop:

22 RS Wallet Instructions:

22 Racing Series Discord:

Pavillion Hub Website:




Tech & blockchain enthusiast, fact finder and skeptic