Phantasma — now on Staking Rewards!

2 min readFeb 24, 2021

We are thrilled to announce that Phantasma has been listed on Staking Rewards — the leading data provider for staking and crypto-growth tools.

Trusted by token holders for their reliable and accurate insights on staking opportunities, we are delighted to be a part of Staking Rewards’ growing database and excited about the future of Phantasma’s staking economics.

Phantastic Staking Rewards

You can now view Phantasma’s profile on Staking Rewards to access the latest data and information on Phantasma’s staking economy.

  • Overview: Gain a deeper understanding of Phantasma by reading about what we do, who the core team comprises, and some of the important milestones smashed since initial launch.
  • Metrics: Monitor staking performance by tracking the total amount of SOUL staked by Soul Masters and non Soul Masters, circulating supply, number of stakers and more.
  • Calculate: Utilize Staking Reward’s interactive calculator to compute the actual returns for stipulated time frames defined in the calculator. Mind that our innovative CROWN NFTs distributed quarterly to Soul Masters are a complex tokenomics element not accounted for.

To learn more about staking on Phantasma, join our Telegram community and dive into some of our excellent resources!

About Staking Rewards

The Berlin-based data aggregator is known for providing trusted access to all staking opportunities with digital assets, lowering the barriers of entry for token holders. With a core focus on Proof of Stake protocols, Staking Rewards aims to curate knowledge and build a healthy staking and DeFi ecosystem.

Unique features created by the team include an interactive calculator to estimate rewards and reward frequency, and a “Staking Score” metric to develop the attractiveness of a passive income opportunity. The platform currently tracks 170 yield-bearing assets and 6624 validators.

Stake till you drop,

Your Phantasma Team




Tech & blockchain enthusiast, fact finder and skeptic