Phantasma Profile

1 min readDec 13, 2018

The Phantasma account is the core of a user being a part of Phantasma Ecosystem. This opens a lot of options due to the fact that we are building the platform on our own blockchain.

There will be a user profile within the Phantasma account. Every account will have a profile with a personalized avatar. You can customize your avatar by buying gear and clothing in the open market, earn medals or cosmetic upgrades by completing certain challenges within the Phantasma Ecosystem & Blockchain. A great example would be a medal/banner for the most transactions within a specific month as an achievement. That user would receive a medal in the form of a NFT, which the user can sell at any time.

Every Phantasma profile will become a little game itself which you can maintain. Your profile and your achievements can become public (at your own discretion) for others to visit. This way you can show off what contributions you have made towards the Phantasma Ecosystem & Blockchain!

