Poltergeist wallet’s ETH flavoured v1.9

3 min readSep 30, 2020

Poltergeist goes triple chain!

Our multi chain Poltergeist wallet previously underwent multiple stages of improvements to core functionality, as well as a major facelift with the introduction of the Phantasia theme. However, the time has come to introduce the most massive collection of updates yet — coinciding with the deployment of our Phantasma — Ethereum interoperability.

A massive effort has gone into improving user experience and limiting the possibility of user errors when using Poltergeist wallet. Our goal is to provide the smoothest possible user experience while limiting or eliminating the need for users to manually change settings due to external factors such as faulty nodes. After exhaustive testing, we are extremely pleased with the result — and we hope you will be too!

Among the long list of improvements are (this list is not exhaustive):

Major feature additions

  • Added Phantasma — Ethereum swaps
  • Added GAS fee (default is set to 0.001) for NEO transfers and NEO — Phantasma swaps to avoid issues during NEO congestion
  • Gas fees for Phantasma — Neo swaps are now deducted (were previously refunded after swapped funds were claimed on the Neo blockchain)
  • Added NEO GAS claiming
  • Added generation of Ethereum address using current and freshly imported private keys — one private key, three chains
  • Added own NEO RPCs to eliminate reliance on public NEO RPCs
  • Added benchmarking of NEO RPCs on wallet launch, dropping malfunctioning nodes

Additional improvements to functionality

  • Enabled exporting private key in both HEX and WIF format. This enables using private keys and wallets from Poltergeist in other wallets such as Ethereum’s Metamask or NEO’s Neon wallet
  • Added custom Ethereum gas fee on each send with additional “safe low”, “standard”, “fast” & “fastest” options
  • Added automatic renewal of all interop addresses when switching between mainnet / testnet (for wallet & chain testing purposes)
  • Improved selection of best Phantasma RPC if last RPC is not responding
  • Improved rounding of token amounts
  • Improved request timeout handling
  • Improved minimum fee calculation for swaps
  • Improved handling when sending whole balance transfers to avoid creating 0 value outputs, subtract fees from max transferable value
  • Improved UX for the dropdown menus where you can now only choose addresses capable of receiving the token you are attempting to transfer
  • Added number group separators for tokens to improve readability
  • Improved address display in dropdown menus when transferring
  • Improved logging options for all platforms (configurable in wallet settings)

Improved warnings & explanatory text

  • Added explanatory text to private key export
  • Added GAS limit warning for Phantasma-NEO swaps
  • Added warnings about time lock when staking or claiming KCAL
  • Added Soul Master split warning when staking 100k SOUL or more
  • All around easier to understand error messages

Bug fixes

  • Fixed SOUL stake/transfer/swap error after cosmic swapping to KCAL when swapping full balance
  • Fixed token fiat value display
  • Fixed crash issue when logging out of a wallet
  • Fixed crash on wallet opening when 22series.com is unavailable
  • Fixed rare issue where the wallet would stall
  • Fixed wallet password character limit discrepancy between creation and logging in
  • Fixed NEO address reported as invalid if it started with ‘Aa’ for Norway locale

We would like to encourage all SOULdiers to download Poltergeist version 1.9 immediately to experience these improvements — and to enjoy the Phantasma-Ethereum interoperability!

Get the full story

This article is part of a larger series covering the massive upgrades being implemented across the Phantasma blockchain and ecosystem. To get up to date with everything that has happened, please enjoy the following articles:

Stay tuned for more,

The Phantasma Team




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