Post Maintenance Recap

3 min readFeb 27, 2021

Dear SOULdiers,

We are happy to announce that maintenance has concluded and the chain is humming like always — but even more robust and with even better tools available than before.

Swap, swapping, swapped

During this development sprint multiple enhancements have been implemented for cross chain swaps. This applies in part to a Phantasma-Ethereum related swap issue where a rather significant number of swaps would seem to get stuck for a while. This was due to security measures preventing exploits like double swapping, but we have now been able to fine tune these safeguards to the points where the cross chain swap experience should be as smooth as possible.

As part of our work on swaps we have implemented a chain functionality where it would be possible to selectively pause swap functionality for one chain pair without affecting others. An example could be at times of extreme Neo blockchain congestion or unstable node performance, Phantasma-Neo swaps could be paused to avoid poor UX while keeping Phantasma-Ethereum swaps flowing freely.

Furthermore, as part of our aim to support an increasing number of assets flowing freely across to and from the Phantasma ecosystem, ERC20 and NEP5 swaps have now been made fully generic. This means that it is even easier than before to add support for new swappable assets. This, of course, fits very well with the fact that the first TGE on Phantasma is going live these days — with a swappable token.

In the rare edge cases that will always be expected, we have also implemented a command that can easily be triggered by block producers to manually unstick a stuck swap.

Auctions are here!

This topic deserved a separate launch article due to its potential impact for the many artists onboarding Phantasma and GhostMarket these days. However, as a brief recap we will mention it here as well to ensure noone can miss it:

Phantasma’s native smart contracts have received massive upgrades to fully support multiple types of NFT auctions for different purposes. These auction types are classical auctions, dutch auctions and a type of reserve auction with bidder initiated countdown once the minimum price has been met. Among the many added features are the ability for artists and collectors to schedule auctions and listings, increased duration flexibility, and a host of UX improvements including automatic cancellation for expired listings.

To read the full story about Phantasma NFT auctions, please head over to this article.

Synchronization, APIs and more

Ïn addition to the above, many additional tickets on our Kanban board have been handled, with minor features added, fixes implemented and tested. A UX improvement measure for maintenance is the introduction of a maintenance flag which allows Phantasma wallets to know if the chain is undergoing maintenance without having to broadcast a transaction — ie no more failed transactions during maintenance.

Various optimizations have been done to node synchronization to increase speed, robustness and scalability, and the API has received additional endpoints, among others an endpoint to show burned supply.

As always, we appreciate the patience from everyone as we continue our relentless efforts to continually improve Phantasma and cement our position as a cutting edge platform offering a supreme technological backbone for the growing ecosystem of blockchain and NFT powered dApps and games.

One milestone after another,

Your Phantasma Team




Tech & blockchain enthusiast, fact finder and skeptic