World premiere: First ever cross-chain NFT marketplace!

5 min readJul 17, 2020

Phantasma is proud to present the latest creation from our elite community developer group Ghostdevs: GhostMarket — the only cross-chain Non-Fungible Token (NFT) marketplace in the world! Designed by NFT lovers for NFT lovers, it sports a comprehensive selection of features wrapped in a gorgeous and intuitive user interface.

Open — Safe — Transparent

GhostMarket features fully trustless NFT trading facilitated by smart contracts on each integrated blockchain. As a result you can safely discover, buy or sell any NFT without worrying about exposing yourself to risk of lost funds.

For every chain already integrated or being integrated GhostMarket also acts as a true NFT explorer, allowing you to browse any type of NFT event such as minting, transfer history, listings, sales, burning and so on.

Furthermore, GhostMarket brings full statistical and historical capabilities, meaning you can view the entire sales history of a particular NFT since it was created with dates and price fluctuations — honest and transparent.

Multiple wallets — simple overview

In recognition of the fact that many users have their assets spread across multiple wallets, Ghostdevs have endeavoured to make it easy for everyone to trade their NFTs by allowing users to log in with any amount of wallets. GhostMarket’s account view will then show a combined version of all wallet balances — allowing the user to pick a main address used for buying NFTs, while selling still happens from the individual wallet owning each particular NFT being traded.

Launching with two blockchains, two more to be added in the coming months

GhostMarket already has two blockchains integrated at launch — Phantasma and NEO. A third blockchain integration will be revealed during the summer, and a fourth is planned for the end of the summer this year. Ghostdevs are running full steam ahead, and their stated aim is to integrate any major chain with NFT capabilities and an NFT ecosystem to become the ultimate go to NFT marketplace for all NFT lovers.

Phantasma NFT trading

GhostMarket already works with every existing Phantasma NFT and uses a Phantasma native smart contract to facilitate trades. Through the Phantasma Link dApp connector, a backend service in the Phantasma ecosystem similar to the one used by Metamask on Ethereum, you can connect your wallet to the marketplace in seconds. At launch you can already connect to GhostMarket and start trading NFTs using both Phantasma’s user friendly, dual blockchain Poltergeist wallet and the brand new Ecto Chrome extension wallet.

As a cherry on top, GhostMarket is seamlessly integrated with both the desktop and web version of the Pavillion game hub, and can automatically connect to your Pavillion Phantasma wallet in a transparent manner. If you should wish, you can even connect NEO wallets on the Pavillion integrated version of GhostMarket.

Due to Phantasma’s near zero transaction fees even bulk buying and selling is virtually free. Phantasma supports bulk buying or selling up to 100 NFTs in a single transaction, with the transaction fee being a mere few cents for those 100 NFTs combined. Ghostdevs are also currently working on a new custom Phantasma smart contract which will enable multiple new features, including several types of NFT auctions.

NEO NFT trading

On the NEO blockchain Ghostdevs has already deployed a custom smart contract on testnet and is finalizing testing before going live on the NEO2 mainnet within the next couple of weeks. The NEO smart contract allows trading of any current NEO 2.x NFT project with full auction capabilities and bulk buy/sell support — and with support for the upcoming NEO 3 NFT capabilities (NEP-11) in the works.

Logging in with your NEO wallet can be done through any NEO wallet that supports the NEO dAPI standard (NEP-12) — these include NeoLogin, NeoLine, Teemo and O3. Worth noting is that NeoLine offers full NFT support, with O3 currently working on the same.

At the moment NEO NFTs are fully supported in terms of logging in and viewing all NEO NFT related activity, while trading itself is disabled while Ghostdevs wraps up testing of their custom smart contract (their current top priority).

Fee structure and referrals

All NFT marketplaces come with certain trading fees, and GhostMarket has consciously chosen to place itself at the low end of the spectrum with only 2% fees on NFT trades for buyers. There are zero fees for listing an NFT for sale, and zero fees for the seller upon completing a sale.

Furthermore, each user address gets assigned a unique custom referral URL which you are encouraged to share with fellow NFT lovers, and every single sale happening through your referral URL earns you a 25% commission of the fees paid (0.5% of the price of each item).

Currently supported projects — join us!

GhostMarket supports Phantasma’s showcase dApp 22 Racing Series, with additional prjects to be supported as they go live. On NEO GhostMarket supports trading of all NFTs from both Blockchain Cuties, 0xRacers, 0xWarriors and Ryu is in the works to be supported. Any blockchain and NFT project interested in being integrated on GhostMarket is strongly encouraged to get in touch with Ghostdevs through Discord to fast pace their integration.

GhostMarket has full APIs readily available for any kind of service which might need it, offering all available data related to statistics, events, sales and listings for all the supported blockchains and projects supported — both currently and in the future.

Launching as a web marketplace, Ghostdevs are planning to expand access to mobile users through a companion mobile app at a later stage. As part of their mission to bring NFTs to the masses, the Ghostdevs are also working on a brand new service to allow users to mint their own NFTs — Stay tuned!




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