The Short Tale Of An Ambitious Phantom.

Jules Maregiano
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2019

TL;DR Phantombuster 2 beta is upcoming. Scroll down to volunteer.

Here is Buster.

Not long ago, Buster was just your average haunted house intern doing the usual scary “boo’s!” and dropping ectoplasmic slime here and there. He rapidly realized that many tasks he and his colleagues had to do could be automated.

He embraced this realization and decided to start his business. For 2 years he made custom code for a few ectoplasms but this model didn’t meet his ambitions. Buster wanted to serve more spirits and bust mindless tasks that could be automated.

So rather than making custom code for one client at the time, he decided to automate simple actions on popular websites that could be useful to many.

Starting with LinkedIn, he used his foggy little brain to scrape data from LinkedIn profiles, and automatically connect with new people. He called these “APIs” and kept them in a Store where anyone could use them.

As he was checking the shop’s poltergeist analytic dashboard, Buster realized that people liked these automations a lot! What a tremendous feeling! Every day people were saving tens of thousands of hours of work! That day a smile appeared on his pale face.

He decided to work twice as hard and started automating new websites: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. After a year, he had about 100 APIs on 12 websites. While many challenges were thrown his way, he dodged rate limits, jumped over authentication issues and resolved Captchas one-by-one!

Every day he would receive messages of encouragement and ideas from supportive and creative users. Thanks to them, he found the energy to squash bugs and implement new features as fast as he could.

But one day, around closing time as he sat down to read users’ mail, he realized that some features they were asking couldn’t be built in that small workshop of his. For a moment he felt discouraged.

“Come on B’, get a grip on yourself!” said the ambitious phantom to himself.

His current “API-store” was not designed to scale up. It had been made by a young and inexperienced Buster. But with the help of friends and what he had learned, he could make it bigger, better, faster!

He got his phone out and made some calls…

With the help of his phantomates, Buster started writing code on a parchment. And they coded, and they coded again, and they coded some more.

All features from the old store were rebuilt and improved. The Store would now have the capability of automating millions of tasks rather than thousands! Most important of all, it would be capable of welcoming game-changing new features…

Ladies and Gentlemen, Buster is very proud to announce the imminent release of The Phantom Store.

The first step will be The Great Redesign and start on October the 5th. From there, many surprises will follow. Are you ready?

If you’ve read this far, you must really like Phantombuster. How about trying the beta? :)

Click here to join the beta

The Phantombuster Team



Jules Maregiano

Trying to become the worst version of myself one day at the time