Chibuzor Anyameluhor
Pharm Envee
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2020

2020 has been quite a year that everyone will remember for a long time. It’s October, summer is winding down, the coronavirus pandemic is still going on, and we are now approaching the peak of another infectious disease season: flu. In 2019, according to estimates from the CDC, 39 million people got sick from the viral infection. Flu attacks the throat, nose, and lungs.

With the world already battling the deadly coronavirus, what will it then be like to combat both flu and coronavirus? Since it is not exactly known yet how we will do this, there are simple things to do that will keep you and your loved ones from getting sick with the flu.

  1. Get medical supplies
    Your first aid box shouldn’t be empty at this time. Throw out expired medicines and stock up with pain and fever relief, antihistamines, and cough medication. Nasal sprays, cough drops, and throat lozenges are also great to have. If you have a chronic medical condition, stocking up for children or a baby, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
  2. Get other health supplies
    In addition to medicines, you should get other supplies such as a thermometer, extra batteries, and a humidifier. You should also consider getting the basic supplies such as tissues, antibacterial soaps, and hand sanitizers (you can get a supply of these from
  3. Always wash your hands
    If you have been faithful in keeping safe during this pandemic season, washing your hands shouldn’t really be a big deal. Washing hands is one of the effective ways of preventing the flu, and luckily, it is quite easy to do and can be fun to teach children. The WHO recommends washing your hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds.
  4. Don’t touch your face
    Another thing the coronavirus pandemic has taught us is to keep our hands away from our faces. Protect yourself by keeping your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth as these are the easiest places for viruses to gain entrance into your system, this includes flu-causing viruses. If you must touch them, ensure you wash your hands before and after.
  5. Get vaccinated
    The yearly flu vaccine is a very vital step in preventing the flu. Flu is very contagious and spreads differently than colds. A person who has the flu can unknowingly spread it to others even before symptoms start showing. The flu vaccine protects you against the common strains of flu. The vaccine is usually available from October, it’s best to start before the flu season fully hits.

The coronavirus pandemic is still in full swing, best to prevent any additional issues. To get PPE supplies such as hand sanitizers, face masks, etc, head over to today.

