Thanksgiving Gatherings In Covid-19

Chibuzor Anyameluhor
Pharm Envee
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2020

Thanksgiving is a time of merry and celebrating all the things we are thankful for in the presence of our families and loved ones. However, the year 2020 has been quite a stressful year, isolating us from those we care about the most due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This holiday season, it may still be possible to gather with family and loved ones, but with a few adjustments and precautions. This will help reduce the spread of the virus and keep everyone safe.

Recently, it was discovered that the COVID-19 pandemic is getting worse, just as the second wave predictions stated, and such small gatherings are one of the causes of this spread. According to the CDC, here are a few considerations that can slow down the spread of COVID-19 considerably during small household gatherings.

  • Find out the COVID-19 infection rate in the different areas where attendees will be coming from. With that information, you can decide if it is safe to hold the gathering or not.
  • Ensure that the number of attendees will still allow a 6-feet apart distance between individuals at all times. They also need to avoid hugs, handshakes, and other direct contact.
  • If possible, take the gathering outdoors rather than indoors. Guests should wear their mask except when eating or drinking.
  • If hosting indoor, ensure that the space is properly ventilated by opening windows and doors. You can also place your central air system on rotation.
  • Ensure music levels are not too high to avoid people from having to shout when speaking to each other.
  • Provide a handwashing area where guests can wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If that won’t be available, provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers and wipes. You can buy large quantities of PPE supplies from
  • Avoid touching frequently used surfaces. Disinfect those areas between use when feasible.

The aim of taking precautions during the celebration and festive season is to help reduce the spread of the virus. By adhering to COVID-19 safety tips, we are able to keep ourselves, loved ones, and our communities safe.

