Boosting your immune system during a pandemic

Manali Nagarhalli
Pharma News
2 min readMay 23, 2020


We are amidst a pandemic and nationwide lockdown. While everyone is maintaining hygiene as per the measures stated by WHO, having a strong immune system is equally important to fight the current situation of Covid19. There are ways to keep our immune system’s function optimal which will in turn help us to stay healthy and provide a sense of control in unprecedented time. Boosting your immunity is not as easy as it may sound. However, certain dietary and lifestyle changes may help to strengthen our body’s ability to fight diseases. Here is a list of things you can do to achieve it,

Limit sugar intake: You might be wondering how sugar affects immunity. Well, studies have shown that sugar is a contributing factor to obesity. Obesity is linked to various diseases like diabetes and heart disease which can significantly weaken immunity. So, it is important to curb your sugar intake.

Reduce stress and sleep well: Cortisol, the stress hormone reduces the activity of the immune system. Stress can also impact sleep. Studies have shown that people who do not sleep well are more susceptible to catching a cold as compared to those who do sleep well. So, it is clear that rest is important to boost immunity naturally. Teenagers need to sleep around 8–9 hours each night and adults need to sleep for 7 hours.

Eat healthy fats: Healthy fats are found in olive oil, whole eggs, nuts, etc. They help to reduce inflammation, decrease the risk of developing diabetes or heart disease, and also helps to fight off bacteria and viruses.

Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated helps our body to remove toxins and other bacteria that cause illness. Hence, it is important to keep your immunity up by drinking plenty of water. It is recommended to drink at least 64–72 ounces a day.

Have Antioxidants and foods rich in fiber: People who have an underlying medical condition are at a high risk of getting infected by the virus. Antioxidants help the body to fight inflammation which might be linked to various diseases. Fiber-rich plant foods enhance the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut and these healthy bacteria help to improve immunity.

Exercise: Studies show that physical activity may flush bacteria out of airways and lungs. This in turn can reduce the chances of getting an illness. It also improves the regeneration of immune cells that will help to fight the disease.

It’s never too early or too late to work towards being the HEALTHIEST YOU”

